07th Virtual Cities and Territories, Lisbon, October 11 to 13, 2011
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Recent Submissions
Governance, competitiveness and innovation
Conference report
Open AccessText introductori amb un breu resum del contingut de les actes publicades al capítol: Governance, Competiveness and Innovation. -
New practices and tools for land planning in Catalonia and Spain
Conference report
Open Access -
The planning system and urban dynamics in Turkey: the case of Mersin city
Conference report
Open Access -
Urban regeneration: land management strategies for value capturing
Conference report
Open Access -
The humanized territory and its planning
Conference report
Open Access -
Spain's coastline land cover changes: urban growth and Natura2000 sites network impact in the spanish coastline
Conference report
Open Access -
Los ámbitos de influencia territorial de la universidad: el caso de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Conference report
Open Access -
Circular flow land use management
Conference report
Open Access -
Regiones urbanas turísticas costeras: caracterización funcional de los polos urbanos de la región Puerto Vallarta - Bahía de Banderas, México
Conference report
Open Access -
Brownfields, from opportunities to development projects: constraints that stakeholders face in the redevelopment process
Conference report
Open Access -
Land management for urban dynamics in Finland: delineation and allocation of rights within the regulatory framework, development practice and planning culture
Conference report
Open Access -
Metropolitan area-Magical town: ase study within Chiapas, Mexico
Conference report
Open Access