
  • Improved entropy based test of uniformity using ranked set samples 

    Mahdizadeh, M.; Arghami, N.R. (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2013)
    Open Access
    Ranked set sampling (RSS) is known to be superior to the traditional simple random sampling (SRS) in the sense that it often leads to more efficient inference procedures. Basic version of RSS has been extensively modified ...
  • A note on the Fisher information matrix for the skew-generalized-normal model 

    Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Gómez, Héctor W.; Salinas, Hugo S. (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2013)
    Open Access
    In this paper, the exact form of the Fisher information matrix for the skew-generalized normal (SGN) distribution is determined. The existence of singularity problems of this matrix for the skew-normal and normal particular ...
  • The normal distribution in some constrained sample spaces 

    Mateu-Figueras, Glòria; Pawlowsky-Glahn, Vera; Juan José, Egozcue (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2013)
    Open Access
    Phenomena with a constrained sample space appear frequently in practice. This is the case, for example, with strictly positive data, or with compositional data, such as percentages or proportions. If the natural measure ...
  • New insights into evaluation of regression models through a decomposition of the prediction errors: application to near-infrared spectral data 

    Sánchez Rodríguez, María Isabel; Sánchez-López, Elena; Caridad, Jose María; Marinas, Alberto; Marinas, Jose Maria; Urbano, Francisco José (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2013)
    Open Access
    This paper analyzes the performance of linear regression models taking into account usual criteria such as the number of principal components or latent factors, the goodness of fit or the predictive capability. Other ...
  • Flexible quantile regression models: application to the study of the purple sea urchin 

    Martínez-Silva, Isabel; Roca-Pardiñas, Javier; Lustres-Pérez, Vicente; Lorenzo-Arribas, Altea; Cadarso-Suárez, Carmen (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2013)
    Open Access
    In many applications, it is often of interest to assess the possible relationships between covariates and quantiles of a response variable through a regression model. In some instances, the effects of continuous covariates ...
  • Modelling "calçots" (Allium cepa L.) growth by Gompertz function 

    Simó, Joan; Plans, Marçal; Casañas, Francesc; Sabaté, Jose (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2013)
    Open Access
    "Calçots" are the second-year resprouts of the "Ceba Blanca Tardana de Lleida" landrace of onions. The evolution of three "calçots" populations has been modeled to help farmers to plan the optimal time to harvest. Four ...