2011, Vol. 35, Núm. 1
Extending controlled tabular adjustment for non-additive tabular data with negative protection levels
(Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2011)
Open AccessMinimum distance controlled tabular adjustment (CTA) is a recent perturbative methodology for the protection of tabular data. An implementation of CTA was recently used by Eurostat for the protection of European Union ... -
The choice of type of input-output table revisited: moving towards the use of supply-use tables in impact analysis
(Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2011)
Open AccessThe construction of symmetric input-output tables (SIOTs) is a controversial issue as regards the choice of model to construct both product-by-product and industry-by-industry SIOTs, especially the former ones. However, ... -
Imputation of numerical data under linear edit restrictions
(Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2011)
Open AccessA common problem faced by statistical offices is that data may be missing from collected data sets. The typical way to overcome this problem is to impute the missing data. The problem of imputing missing data is complicated ... -
Poverty comparisons when TIP curves intersect
(Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2011)
Open AccessNon-intersection of TIP curves is recognized as a criterion to compare two income distributions in terms of poverty. The purpose of this paper it to obtain comparable poverty results for income distributions whose TIP ...