The three pavilions of the third quarter of the 20th Century : los tres pabellones del tercer cuarto del s. XX
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Chair / Department / Institute
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona
Document typeAudiovisual
Defense date1985-01-01
Rights accessOpen Access
All rights reserved. This work is protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial
property rights. Without prejudice to any existing legal exemptions, reproduction, distribution, public
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Conferència amb diapositives. Es parla de les cases Farnsworth (Mies v.d.Rohe, 1945-50),Upper Lawn (A. y P. Smithson, 1959) i Eames House (Ch.Eames, 1949.
Lliçó inaugural del curs 1985/86 Imatge i àudio deficients.