Adaptation of e-Catalunya platform to a collaborative European environment
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Document typeMaster thesis
Rights accessOpen Access
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This master thesis report describes the work undertaken to present a solution in the communicational area to a scientist research network called ONe-project. For their last EU-commissioned project, called BONE (which stands for Building the Future Optical Network in Europe), they wished to make a quality step further in their communicational services. As for the previous two projects created by the network, they have relied in the Laboratori de Càlcul de la FIB (LCFIB) to assist them with this task. This assignment coincided with the very recent aperture of eCAT Platform as free software. eCAT Platform is the resulting system of an e-government project called e-Catalunya, created for the Generalitat de Catalunya, and developed in the LCFIB. The platform gathers together a bunch of web 2.0 tools and social networking features. In one of its strategy lines, the LCFIB wants to explore adaptations of the system for other environments. After an informal evaluation we decided to use eCAT Platform for BONE and thus make the first adaptation of the system. With this, two main objectives could be accomplished, in one hand BONE could move forward to a web 2.0 environment of work, and on the other eCAT Platform could be proved as an adaptable system far from the e-government shell. We have approached the problem setting specific objectives, which give to this thesis its own character. Accomplishing them will result also in the achievement of the aforementioned global intentions.
SubjectsSocial networks, User interfaces (Computer systems), Xarxes socials, Interfícies d'usuari (Informàtica)