Analysis of the methodology and indicators used in WPM in Liberia and SLE
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Document typeMaster thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Rights accessOpen Access
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The aim of this study was to analyze the water point mapping tool, more specifically
in the study cases of Liberia and Sierra Leone, identifying weaknesses and
proposing improvements.
The study was divided mainly in two parts – analysis of the methodology and
evaluation of the indicators – and important improvements were identified. Although
the water point mapping tool exist for more than 10 years and it is already proved to
be very useful, it is a tool still being developed and enhanced.
The parameters surveyed differ from one country to another, as well as the approach
used to evaluate these parameters. The method lack an understanding of which are
the key parameters that have to be surveyed and how it should be done. The data
collected is not standardized and neither the nomenclature used by each person that
add information in the databases.
Additionally, the analysis based on the data collected is apparently superficial and
the indicators calculated also vary from one country to another, making it difficult to
make comparisons between them.
This study describes these weaknesses and proposes improvements to overcome
them, in order to contribute to the continuous improvement of the water point
mapping tool.
SubjectsSanitation -- Developing countries, Water-supply, Sanejament -- Països en vies de desenvolupament, Aigua -- Abastament
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