Lean management applied to new business development: experts’ analysis and examples of hardware companies
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Document typeMaster thesis
Rights accessOpen Access
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Spain
Very successful applications of the Lean Startup’s principles in the software industry have been emerging lately, especially from startups in the USA. Additionally, it has recently been used by the American government who have also adopted the method in the development of an online-based public service.
The main goal of this dissertation was to analyse whether the scientific approach provided by the Lean Startup methodology is applicable, as well as a plus, to hardware development. In order to achieve such conclusions, it was sought the experience of entrepreneurs who own startups developing (physical) technological products.
The Eric Ries’ book “Lean Startup” was considered in besides of other important contributions, e.g. “Running Lean” by Ash Maurya. Several of the sources used were very recent given the still on-going movement around the subject.
Interviews were conducted to entrepreneurs from the companies: Alteraid, Fractus, On-Sun Systems and Technology Assistance BCNA. The interviews consisted in a first brief presentation of the methodology’s main concepts, and a 50 minutes debate around the subject of the possible applicability of the Lean Startup approach to their startups, based on their knowledge and experience gained developing their businesses. The interviews covered a group of 15 questions.
All the entrepreneurs’ opinions from the interviews indicate that the Lean Startup is applicable to hardware development. The removal of wastes (time and money), product development agility, as well as customer interactivity, seem to be applicable, suitable and advantageous to the development of physical products. However, in order to apply the method to hardware development it will require adaptation, which the results suggest that it is industry dependent. Català: Aplicacions amb molt d’eixit del Lean Startup han anat sorgint últimament en la indústria del sofware, sobretot de startups als EUA. A més, recentment ha estat utilitzat pel govern dels Estats Units que també han adoptat el mètode en el desenvolupament d'un servei públic en línia.
L'objectiu principal d'aquest escrit ha estat analitzar si l'enfocament científic proporcionat per la metodologia Lean Startup és aplicable per al desenvolupament de hardware. Per arribar a aquestes conclusions, es va buscar l'experiència dels empresaris que són els propietaris de les Startups que estan en vies de desenvolupament de productes tecnològics.
El llibre d'Eric Ries '"Lean Startup" va ser considerat, en contes d'altres contribucions importants, com per exemple, " Running Lea" per Ash Maurya. Moltes de les fonts consultades són molt recents, donat que encara esta en funcionament i va canviant.
Es van realitzar entrevistes a empresaris de les empreses: Alteraid, Fractus, On-Sun Systems i Technology Assistance BCNA. Les entrevistes van consistir en una primera presentació breu dels conceptes principals de la metodologia, i un debat al voltant de 50 minuts sobre el tema de la possible aplicació de l'enfocament Lean Startup per a les seves noves empreses, en base als seus coneixements i experiència adquirida en el desenvolupament dels seus negocis. Les entrevistes van consistir un grup de 15 preguntes.
Totes les opinions recollides indiquen que Lean Startup és aplicable al desenvolupament de hardware. L'eliminació de problemes (temps i diners), l'agilitat de desenvolupament de productes, així com la interactivitat client, sembla aplicable, adequada i avantatjosa per al desenvolupament de productes físics es a dir hardware. No obstant això, per tal d'aplicar el mètode per al desenvolupament de maquinaria es requerirà l'adaptació, perquè els resultats suggereixen que és dependent de la indústria.
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