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dc.contributorDellaert, Nico
dc.contributor.authorTord Gomis, Marta De
dc.description.abstractEfficiency and patient satisfaction are two of the most important factors for a hospital; in order to be competitive these two factors have to be improved. Tactical admission plans are focused on increasing efficiency, but in this paper we try to also associate patient satisfaction with the tactical plan. To this respect, we present a procedure to calculate exact waiting time distributions and another procedure to compute the exact level of resources usage. Then we explore two different methods to improve tactical plans to avoid overuse of IC beds, we consider this as the most critical resource: cancellation of emergency patients operations and cancellation of elective patients operations. Data from a Dutch cardiothoracic surgery center is used to base our case study on and shows that the cancelation of operation leads to an increase of hospital efficiency but it can have some negative effects in the patient satisfaction.
dc.publisherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya
dc.publisherTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Economia i organització d'empreses::Gestió i direcció
dc.subject.lcshHospitals -- Administration
dc.subject.lcshOrganizational effectiveness
dc.subject.lcshIndustrial efficiency
dc.subject.lcshPatient satisfaction
dc.titleImproving probability distributions for resource levels from master surgery tactical plans for emergency and elective patients
dc.typeMaster thesis (pre-Bologna period)
dc.subject.lemacHospitals -- Administració
dc.subject.lemacEficàcia organitzativa
dc.subject.lemacEficiència industrial
dc.subject.lemacPacients -- Satisfacció
dc.rights.accessOpen Access
dc.audience.educationlevelEstudis de primer/segon cicle
dc.audience.mediatorEscola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona
dc.provenanceAquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari no inclòs en aquest lloc web
dc.audience.degreeENGINYERIA INDUSTRIAL (Pla 1994)

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