E-prints UPC cobreix dues finalitats: per una banda, és el dipòsit institucional de la UPC que recull els articles de revista, les comunicacions de congrés i els reports de recerca generats en les activitats de recerca del personal docent i investigador de la universitat; per l'altra, és una eina que permet accelerar la producció científica, allotjant versions de documents prèvies a la publicació en una revista o a les actes d’un congrés.
L'objectiu d'E-Prints UPC és augmentar la visibilitat i l'accessibilitat d'aquests documents, així com garantir la seva preservació. Els membres de la UPC interessats a dipositar documents en accés obert, si us plau contacteu amb Info.Biblioteques@upc.edu
E-prints UPC cubre dos finalidades: por un lado, es el depósito institucional de la UPC que recoge los artículos de revista, las comunicaciones de congresos y los reportes de investigación generados en las actividades de investigación del personal docente e investigador de la Universidad; por otro, es una herramienta que permite acelerar la producción científica, alojando versiones de documentos previos a la publicación en una revista o en las actas de un congreso.
El objetivo de E-Prints UPC es aumentar la visibilidad y la accesibilidad de estos documentos, así como garantizar su preservación. Los miembros de la UPC interesados en depositar documentos en acceso abierto, por favor contacten con: Info.Biblioteques@upc.edu
E-prints has two aims: it is the UPC's institutional repository, collecting journal articles, conference papers and research reports generated in the research activities of the University's teaching and research staff; and it is a tool for accelerating scientific output by hosting pre-print versions of journal articles and conference papers.
The aim of UPC E-prints is to increase the visibility and accessibility of these documents and ensure their preservation. Members of the UPC who are interested in depositing documents in open-access form should contact Info.Biblioteques@upc.edu
Sub-communities within this community
Departaments [57.767]
Grups de recerca [48.356]
Centres de recerca [7.115]
Escoles i facultats [143]
Instituts de recerca [2.294]
Programes de doctorat [6.300]
Unitats i altres [1.056]
COVID-19 [658]
Recent Submissions
Exonuclease-enhanced prime editors
Open AccessPrime editing (PE) is a powerful gene-editing technique based on targeted gRNA-templated reverse transcription and integration of the de novo synthesized single-stranded DNA. To circumvent one of the main bottlenecks of ... -
Mapping the wholesale day-ahead market effects of the gas subsidy in the iberian exception
Open AccessAmidst the global energy crisis in 2022, the Spanish and Portuguese governments introduced a subsidy to natural gas (“the Iberian exception”), attempting to lower the wholesale electricity market prices, with the understanding ... -
Dynamic global/local multi-layer motion planner architecture for autonomous cognitive surgical robots
Open AccessThis paper presents a novel dynamic motion planner designed to provide safe motions in the context of the Smart Autonomous Robot Assistant Surgeon (SARAS) surgical platform. SARAS is a multi-robot autonomous platform ... -
Caissons for bridges over water
Open AccessThe design of foundations for over-water bridges and offshore marine terminals might be a challenging task for the bridge engineer. Whereas the ground conditions at the bridge location may be the dominating factor in the ... -
Geotechnics and bridge pojects. (Design and construction of bridge foundation systems)
Open AccessIn this article for e-mosty magazine we are going to provide a brief overview of some aspects that must be considered in a bridge project from a geotechnical standpoint. For a geotechnical engineer a great challenge arises ... -
Dynamic and modal analysis of nearly incompressible structures with stabilised displacement-volumetric strain formulations
(Elsevier, 2024-12)
Open AccessThis paper presents a dynamic formulation for the simulation of nearly incompressible structures using a mixed finite element method with equal-order interpolation pairs. Specifically, the nodal unknowns are the displacement ... -
Influencia del comportamiento al levantamiento de cimentaciones superficiales en la respuesta no lineal de estructuras de acero con arriostramiento concéntrico
Restricted access - publisher's policyLa respuesta de sistemas estructurales sometidos a excitación sísmica puede estimarse mediante el uso de soportes flexibles. Dicha respuesta se caracteriza por desplazamientos en la base que son inducidos por el movimiento ... -
Monitoring cases of rainfall-induced debris flows in China
(Springer, 2024-10)
Restricted access - publisher's policyDebris flows are considered one of the most hazardous types of mass movement. China has a long history of monitoring debris flows, which has enhanced the understanding of debris flows and the development of strategies for ... -
Exploring the integration of a novel photocatalytic air purification façade component in buildings
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-08-11)
Open AccessIndoor air quality determines the comfort, health, and wellbeing of people in buildings. Windows are the optimal elements for providing natural ventilation and fresh air, but the outside contains suspended particles that ... -
Microscopic fractional anisotropy outperforms multiple sclerosis lesion assessment and clinical outcome associations over standard fractional anisotropy tensor
Open AccessWe aimed to compare the ability of diffusion tensor imaging and multi-compartment spherical mean technique to detect focal tissue damage and in distinguishing between different connectivity patterns associated with varying ... -
Novel frequency-based approach for detection of steady-state visual evoked potentials for realization of practical brain computer interfaces
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2022-03-13)
Open AccessVarious algorithms for recognizing Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials have been proposed over the last decade for realizing Brain-Computer Interfaces. However, frequency-domain techniques aside from classical FFT have ... -
Evaluation of connectivity measures to identify seizure onset and propagation zones in refractory epilepsy: a case study with two different post- surgical outcomes
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyHigh Frequency Oscillations (HFO) have been found very useful in refractory epilepsy. They have been used to identify the epileptogenic zone and as a promising clinical biomarker for presurgical evaluation in childhood ...