E-prints UPC cobreix dues finalitats: per una banda, és el dipòsit institucional de la UPC que recull els articles de revista, les comunicacions de congrés i els reports de recerca generats en les activitats de recerca del personal docent i investigador de la universitat; per l'altra, és una eina que permet accelerar la producció científica, allotjant versions de documents prèvies a la publicació en una revista o a les actes d’un congrés.
L'objectiu d'E-Prints UPC és augmentar la visibilitat i l'accessibilitat d'aquests documents, així com garantir la seva preservació. Els membres de la UPC interessats a dipositar documents en accés obert, si us plau contacteu amb Info.Biblioteques@upc.edu
E-prints UPC cubre dos finalidades: por un lado, es el depósito institucional de la UPC que recoge los artículos de revista, las comunicaciones de congresos y los reportes de investigación generados en las actividades de investigación del personal docente e investigador de la Universidad; por otro, es una herramienta que permite acelerar la producción científica, alojando versiones de documentos previos a la publicación en una revista o en las actas de un congreso.
El objetivo de E-Prints UPC es aumentar la visibilidad y la accesibilidad de estos documentos, así como garantizar su preservación. Los miembros de la UPC interesados en depositar documentos en acceso abierto, por favor contacten con: Info.Biblioteques@upc.edu
E-prints has two aims: it is the UPC's institutional repository, collecting journal articles, conference papers and research reports generated in the research activities of the University's teaching and research staff; and it is a tool for accelerating scientific output by hosting pre-print versions of journal articles and conference papers.
The aim of UPC E-prints is to increase the visibility and accessibility of these documents and ensure their preservation. Members of the UPC who are interested in depositing documents in open-access form should contact Info.Biblioteques@upc.edu
Sub-communities within this community
Departaments [58.906]
Grups de recerca [49.215]
Centres de recerca [7.188]
Escoles i facultats [144]
Instituts de recerca [2.308]
Programes de doctorat [6.691]
Unitats i altres [1.091]
COVID-19 [668]
Recent Submissions
Orientational disorder and molecular correlations in hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites: from fundamental insights to technological applications
Open AccessHybrid organic–inorganic perovskites (HOIP) have emerged in recent years as highly promising semiconducting materials for a wide range of optoelectronic and energy applications. Nevertheless, the rotational dynamics of the ... -
Machine learning-based multi-domain actuation orchestration in support of end-to-end service quality-assurance
Open AccessService quality assurance is of capital importance in modern cloud and network infrastructures, especially in multi-domain scenarios, where multiple operators collaborate to provide end-to-end (E2E) services. However, due ... -
Reflexiones sobre los ensayos finalistas = Reflexões sobre os ensaios finalistas = Thoughts on the finalist essays
(Fundación Arquia, 2019-05-01)
Part of book or chapter of book
Restricted access - publisher's policy -
On the challenges of optical disaggregated data center networking for ML/AI applications
(International Society for Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2024)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe rising of applications with intense requirements in data volumes, storage space and CPU/GPU utilization, such as Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI) applications, imposes different challenges on the Data ... -
The spine lengthens during walking in healthy participants, with age-related changes in kinematic parameters
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2025-01-02)
Open AccessBackground: While the importance of the upper and lower limbs in locomotion is well understood, the kinematics of the trunk during walking remains largely unexplored. Two decades ago, a casual observation was reported ... -
Probabilistic constellation shaping in flex-grid over multicore fibre optical backbone networks: an energy savings evaluation
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyProbabilistic constellation shaping (PCS) has been shown to close the gap to channel capacity at any distance, by providing a fine-grained software-defined trade-off between achievable spectral efficiency and transmission ... -
Analyzing thermal degradation effects on devulcanized GTR-based NR/SBR/NBR rubber compounds reinforced with SiO2 particles
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-11-24)
Open AccessThe large number of tires produced annually demands new recycling methods. A key challenge associated with recycling elastomers is their crosslinking structure that prevents fusion. It is possible to reverse crosslinking ... -
Demonstration of integrated control plane for service flow provisioning in time sensitive networks
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyOne of the most challenging tasks that autonomous network control systems need to face is to provision end-to-end packet flows spanning several domains. With the advent of time sensitive networking, the co-existence of ... -
Feedback-based channel frequency optimization in superchannels
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024-03-04)
Open AccessMaking optical networks more efficient and reliable requires further automation of the optical layer. In this context, we propose a closed control loop that automatically performs fine frequency adjustments of the subchannels ... -
La necesidad de pensar la ciudad futura
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), 2024-01-02)
Part of book or chapter of book
Open AccessSe analiza la ciudad como ecosistema urbano, las causas de insostenibilidad y la necesidad de avanzar hacia la sostenibilidad urbana -
On the consistency of circuit lower bounds for non-deterministic time
Restricted access - publisher's policyWeprove the first unconditional consistency result for superpolynomial circuit lower bounds with a relatively strong theory of bounded arithmetic. Namely, we show that the theory V0 2 is consistent with the conjecture that ... -
Natural pigments and biogas recovery from cyanobacteria grown in treated wastewater. Fate of organic microcontaminants
(Elsevier, 2025-01)
Open AccessCyanobacterial wastewater-based biorefineries are a sustainable alternative to obtain high-value products with reduced costs. This study aimed to obtain phycobiliproteins and carotenoids, along with biogas from a ...