Now showing items 1-20 of 41

    • 100 K uncooled GaAs mesfet amplifier as paramp replacement 

      de los Reyes, Elías (Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1978-06)
      Open Access
      The characterisation, design and realisation of a low noise GaAs m.e.s.f.e.t. amplifier to replace a narrow band parametric amplifier at 1.7 GHz is described. Special measurement and analytical techniques are necessary ...
    • A cylindrical array for fast microwave tomography 

      de los Reyes, Elías; Jofre Roca, Lluís; Broquetas Ibars, Antoni; Elias Fusté, Antoni; Cardama Aznar, Ángel (Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI), 1987)
      Conference report
      Open Access
    • A microstrip low cost, high performance, intruder radar detector 

      de los Reyes, Elías; Elias Fusté, Antoni; Ferrando, Miguel; Corbella Sanahuja, Ignasi (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1986)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Doppler Radars operatinq as conventional intruder detectors at X band have been used in several security applications. However, almost all of them utilize heavy and bulky microwave subsystems in wavequide technoloqy. This ...
    • A Self-Oscillating Single Gatemesfet X-Bandmixer 

      Elias Fusté, Antoni; Terrades Busquets, j; de los Reyes, Elías (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1987)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The nonlinear properties of GaAs MESFET can be used to implement self-oscillating mixers. This paper describes a new single-gate MESFET X-Band mixer of this kind built on a microstrip circuit, its design constraints and ...
    • Adaptación de impedancias mediante doble "slug" con elementos concentrados, semiconcentrados y distribuidos 

      de los Reyes, Elías; Elias Fusté, Antoni (1980)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      A theoretical analysis of the double-slug transmission line tuner and the microstrip discs is developed based on two separate models: a distribuited impedance transforming model and a lumped shunt susceptance model. No ...
    • Analysis of some modified ordered statistic CFAR: OSGO and OSSO CFAR 

      Elias Fusté, Antoni; García G. de Mercado, Manuel; de los Reyes, Elías (1990-01)
      Open Access
    • Análisis de Errores de Medida en Campo Próximo Cilíndrico 

      Soneira Ferrando, M. José; Clavera, Jordi; Jofre Roca, Lluís; Romeu Robert, Jordi; de los Reyes, Elías (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), 1988)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      A prograrn to compute near and far fields generated by a planar array has been developed . Sirnulations on the effect of antenna and rnesurernent errors in the cylindrical near-far field transforrnations algorithrns have ...
    • Análisis de mezcladores activos con transistores MESFET de AsGa mediante series de Wiener-Volterra 

      Elias Fusté, Antoni; de los Reyes, Elías (Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI), 1983)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This paper describes techniques for the analysis and desing of active mixer using GaAs FET's. These techniques are based on a expansion in a Wierner-Volterra series of the nonlinearities of a simple model for the transistor ...
    • Análisis de stubs radiales en circuito abierto como elementos de circuito microstrip 

      de los Reyes, Elías; Ferrando, Miguel; Comerón Tejero, Adolfo (Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI), 1983)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This paper presents an analysis of radial microstrip transmission lines, practical design corrections and comparison with measurements perfomed on Duroid 5880. It is proposed the use of the radial lines in combination with ...
    • Antenas impresas para terminales móviles de doble banda GSMDCS 1800 

      de los Reyes, Elías; Ferrando Bataller, Miquel (1997)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The recent developments of dual-band dual-mode D-AMPS/AMPS mobile handsets and radiostations has added pressure on GSM service providers to follow similar technology breakthroughs as a first step towards UMTS/FPMLTS. A ...
    • Caracterización de dispositivos de AsGa MESFET. Amplificadores de bajo ruido. Ganancia máxima. Ampliación del margen dinámico 

      de los Reyes, Elías; Elias Fusté, Antoni (1980)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      A method for de characterization of solid state amplifying devices has been developed thats allows one the determination of the input and o output amplifier, matching networks for low noise, maximum power transfer and ...
    • Cohn's filters with parallel-coupled transmission lines and no discontinuities 

      Mariño Acebal, José Bernardo; de los Reyes, Elías; Masgrau Gómez, Enrique José (Warsaw University of Technology, 1980)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      A new method for designing Cohn's parallel-coupled transmission-line filters is introduced. This method is particularly well suited to obtain designs without discontinuities in the junction of the different transmission ...
    • Compresión de pulsos: Análisis de formas de onda no lineales 

      de los Reyes, Elías; Clavera, Jordi; Elias Fusté, Antoni (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), 1988)
      Conference report
      Open Access
    • Compresión digital de señales chirp. Compresión en coma fija 

      de los Reyes, Elías; Casadevall, Laura; Elias Fusté, Antoni; Ferrando, Miguel (1987)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      It is presented the simulation of a fixed point digital matched filter, in order to estimate their perfomances.
    • Design of K-band slug tuners 

      de los Reyes, Elías (1981-06)
      Open Access
      An analysis of dual-slug line tuners is presented for two cases: distributed-transmission-line slugs and lumped-capacitance slugs. The effect of loss on tuner performance in the case of the transmission-line model is ...
    • Detección de helicópteros mediante radares pulsados. Consideraciones de diseño 

      de los Reyes, Elías; Escanes, Juan Carlos; Elias Fusté, Antoni (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), 1988)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      En el presente artículo se presenta en primer lugar la problemática en la detección de helicópteros y se propone un método para detectarlos basado en el efecto Doppler creado por el rotor principal del helicóptero. Para ...
    • Diseño de antenas microstrip 

      Ferrando Bataller, Miquel; de los Reyes, Elías (1981)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      We present a simple model for the analysis of microstrip antennas. The fields in the cavity are found from the resonance modes and the outside fields from the edge values. Numerical results for circular antennas, radiation ...
    • Estudio de las distribuciones de las antenas de radar de barrido electrónico 

      de los Reyes, Elías; Ferrando, Miguel; Jofre Roca, Lluís; Elias Fusté, Antoni (Fundación Universidad-Empresa, 1986)
      Conference report
      Open Access
    • Evaluación de la distorsión de un filtro compresor y su efecto en el procesado CFAR 

      Casanovas Gonzalez, Luis; Elias Fusté, Antoni; de los Reyes, Elías (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), 1988)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Clutter statistical alteratión due to the digital operation of th~ match fil ter is examined. It is shown a great deformation from Rayleigh function after a square root detector.
    • Evaluación de prestaciones y simulación de pérdidas en radares pulsados 

      de los Reyes, Elías; Fernández de Muniain, Javier; Elias Fusté, Antoni (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), 1988)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This paper shows the influence of several loss factors on radar systems. It deals specially with those loss factors which are due to atmospheric effects, such as refraction, reflexion and the rain effects on radar system ...