Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Dynamical sectors for a spinning particle in AdS(3) 

      Batlle Arnau, Carles; Gomis, Jaoquim; Kamimura, kiyoshi; Zanelli, Jorge (American Physical Society, 2014-09-12)
      Open Access
      We consider the dynamics of a particle of mass M and spin J in AdS(3). The study reveals the presence of different dynamical sectors depending on the relative values of M, J and the AdS(3) radius R. For the subcritical ...
    • Lie symmetries of nonrelativistic and relativistic motions 

      Batlle Arnau, Carles; Gomis Torné, Joaquin; Ray, Sourya; Zanelli, Jorge (American Physical Society (APS), 2019-03-15)
      Open Access
      We study the Lie symmetries of non-relativistic and relativistic higher order constant motions in d spatial dimensions, i.e. constant acceleration, constant rate-of-change -of-acceleration (constant jerk), and so on. In ...