Now showing items 1-20 of 61

    • A domain model for capturing knowledge of the Lean approach 

      Tiamaz, Younes; Souissi, Nissrine (OmniaScience, 2019-04)
      Open Access
      Purpose: The literature offers many definitions of the Lean but it lacks a standard definition that would facilitate its implementation. These definitions are closely related to the specificities of the domain, sector or ...
    • Alf-verifier: an Eclipse plugin for verifying Alf/UML executable models 

      Planas Hortal, Elena; Sànchez Mendoza, David; Cabot Sagrera, Jordi; Gómez Seoane, Cristina (Springer, 2012)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      In this demonstration we present an Eclipse plugin that implements a lightweight method for verifying fine-grained operations at design time. This tool suffices to check that the execution of the operations (specified in ...
    • An Eclipse plugin for improving the quality of UML conceptual schemas 

      Aguilera Moncusí, David; Gómez Seoane, Cristina; Olivé Ramon, Antoni (Springer, 2012)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The development of an information system requires its conceptual schema to be of high quality. Classically, this quality comprises properties such as syntactic and semantic correctness, relevance, and completeness, but ...
    • Assignació de responsabilitats a capes usant AndroMDA 

      Ameller, David (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007-01-03)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
    • Automatic business process model extension to repair constraint violations 

      Oriol Hilari, Xavier; Giacomo, Giuseppe De; Estañol Lamarca, Montserrat; Teniente López, Ernest (Springer, 2019)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Consider an artifact-centric business process model, containing both a data model and a process model. When executing the process, it may happen that some of the data constraints from the data model are violated. Bearing ...
    • Automatic generation of basic behavior schemas from UML class diagrams 

      Albert, Manoli; Cabot Sagrera, Jordi; Gómez Seoane, Cristina; Pelechano, Vicente (2010-01-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The specification of a software system must include all relevant static and dynamic aspects of the domain. Dynamic aspects are usually specified by means of a behavioral schema consisting of a set of system operations that ...
    • Automatic performance model transformation from a human-intuitive to a machine-efficient form 

      Pllana, Sabri; Benkner, Siegfried; Xhafa Xhafa, Fatos; Barolli, Leonard (2009-03-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      We address the issue of the development of performance models for programs that may be executed on large-scale computing systems. The commonly used approaches apply non-standard notations for model specification and often ...
    • Automatic performance model transformation from UML to C++ 

      Pllana, Sabri; Benkner, Siegfried; Xhafa Xhafa, Fatos; Barolli, Leonard (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2008)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      We address the issue of the development of performance models for programs that may be executed on large-scale computing systems. The commonly used approaches apply non-standard notations for model specification and often ...
    • Black-box testing automation for embedded Operating Systems 

      Imbernón Clavero, Darío (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-01-31)
      Bachelor thesis
      Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
      Covenantee:   Giesecke + Devrient Mobile Security Iberia
    • BlueState: un entorno para el aprendizaje de máquinas de estados de UML 

      Ortigosa Aguilera, Alfredo; Rossi Jiménez, Carlos (Universidad de Sevilla. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, 2011-07-05)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      El modelo de máquinas de estados es el más complejo de los que integran el lenguaje UML, base actual de la docencia en la mayoría de las asignaturas de Ingeniería del Software. La complejidad (y la consiguiente dificultad ...
    • Computing repairs for constraint violations in UML/OCL conceptual schemas 

      Oriol Hilari, Xavier; Teniente López, Ernest; Tort, Albert (Elsevier, 2015-06-25)
      Open Access
      Updating the contents of an information base may violate some of the constraints defined over the schema. The classical way to deal with this problem has been to reject the requested update when its application would lead ...
    • Creació taules SQL a partir de UML 

      Comallonga Serrano, Oscar (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-06)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
    • CSTL: A Conceptual Schema Testing Language 

      Tort Pugibet, Albert (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-01-19)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      Like any software artifact, conceptual schemas of information systems can be tested. Testing conceptual schemas has some similarities with testing programs, but there are important differences. We present a list of six ...
    • Definición, importancia y especificación en UML de las restricciones de integridad constante y permanente 

      Pau Fernández, Raquel; Olivé Ramon, Antoni (2007)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Este artículo se centra en el estudio de dos restricciones temporales, denominadas constante y permanente, que se aplican a tipos de entidad, a tipos de relación y a participaciones en tipos de relación. El artículo ...
    • Dependency injection con Guice 

      Gerona Castelló, Jordi (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-06-18)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
      El objetivo principal del proyecto es estudiar el patrón Dependency Injection y ver como un framework, Guice, lo implementa. Durante los primeros capítulos veremos a fondo el patrón y como se aplica. Veremos la ...
    • Desarrollo de un plug-in de Eclipse para validar los nombres de los elementos de un esquema conceptual 

      García Ranea, Raúl (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2011-07-01)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
      Castellano: El objetivo principal del proyecto es la definición, especificación, diseño e implementación de una herramienta que, dado un esquema conceptual: Indique qué nombres no cumplen con las guías de nominación. Genere ...
    • Describing BLOOM99 with regards to UML semantics 

      Abelló Gamazo, Alberto; Rodríguez González, María Elena (Universidad de Valladolid, 2000)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      In this paper, we describe the BLOOM metaclasses with regard to the Unified Modeling Language (UML) semantics. We concentrate essentially on the Generalization/Specialization and Aggregation/Decomposition dimensions. Because ...
    • Desenvolupament d'una eina de traducció UML a esquelet d'aplicació web CakePHP 

      Mañé Garrido, Albert (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-06-11)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
      L' objectiu del projecte és definir, especificar, dissenyar i finalment implementar una eina de transformació que permeti el pas d'un model conceptual en UML (llenguatge que ens permet especificar el sistema) a una ...
    • Desenvolupament de la 2a versió de l'aplicació JPRiM 

      Oriol Hilari, Marc (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007-12-02)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
    • Design and Implementation of a Conceptual Modeling Assistant (CMA) 

      Aguilera Moncusí, David (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010-09)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      This Master's Thesis de nes an architecture for a Conceptual Modeling Assistant (CMA) along with an implementation of a running prototype. Our CMA is a piece of software that runs on top of current modeling tools whose ...