Browsing by Subject "Turbines hidràuliques"
Now showing items 1-20 of 111
A novel condition monitoring methodology based on neural network of pump-turbines with extended operating range
Conference report
Open AccessDue to the entrance of new renewable energies, water-storage energy has to be regulated more frequently to keep the stability of power grid. Consequently, pump-turbines have to work under offdesign conditions more than ... -
A river bed hydrokinetic turbine: a laminated composite material rotor design
(International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2017)
Open AccessThis chapter presents the composite materials applied to Water Current Turbine (WCT) hydrokinetic turbines. Here will be briefly described the features of these turbines, the fluid-dynamic behavior of the rotor, and its ... -
Accurate determination of the frequency response function of submerged and confined structures by using PZT-patches
Open AccessTo accurately determine the dynamic response of a structure is of relevant interest in many engineering applications. Particularly, it is of paramount importance to determine the Frequency Response Function (FRF) for ... -
Added mass effects of attached cavitation on the blades of a Francis runner
Conference report
Open Access -
Added mass effects on a Francis turbine runner with attached blade cavitation
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2019-06-11)
Open AccessTo have a safe structural design, an analysis of the dynamic behavior of a Francis turbine runner with consideration of the added mass e ects of surrounding water is necessary during design phase. Both in design and at o ... -
Advanced condition monitoring of Pelton turbines
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe ability of hydropower to adapt the electricity generation to the demand is necessary to integrate wind and solar energy to the grid. Nowadays hydropower turbines are required to work under harsher operating conditions ... -
An integrated procedure for the structural design of a composite rotor-hydrofoil of a Water Current Turbine (WCT)
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper shows an integrated structural design optimization of a composite rotor-hydrofoil of a water current turbine by means the finite elements method (FEM), using a Serial/Parallel mixing theory (Rastellini et al. ... -
Analysis of the dynamic response of pump-turbine runners. Part I: Experiment
(IOPScience, 2012)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyWhen in operation, pump-turbine runners have to withstand large pressure pulsations generated by the rotor-stator interaction. The analysis of the dynamic behavior of these structures is necessary to avoid damage. For this ... -
Analysis of the mode shapes of Kaplan runners
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2022-07-02)
Open AccessTo prevent lifetime shortening and premature failure in turbine runners, it is of paramount importance to analyse and understand its dynamic response and determine the factors that affect it. In this paper, the dynamic ... -
Assessment of fiber bragg grating sensors for monitoring induced strains on the draft tube cone of hydraulic turbines
(Institute of Physics (IOP), 2023)
Conference report
Open AccessIn hydraulic turbines, several flow instabilities can take place inside the draft tube cone during off-design and transient operating conditions such as the rotating vortex rope which can severely damage the structure if ... -
Assessment of fiber Bragg grating sensors for monitoring shaft vibrations of hydraulic turbines
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023-07-26)
Open AccessThe structural dynamic response of hydraulic turbines needs to be continuously monitored to predict incipient failures and avoid catastrophic breakdowns. Current methods based on traditional off-board vibration sensors ... -
Assessment of novel modal testing methods for structures rotating in water
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2023-02-23)
Open AccessThe current paper presents an investigation into novel modal testing methods applied to a disk–shaft structure at different rotating speeds in air and water. The structure was excited using three different methods: an ... -
Assessment of remote cavitation detection methods with flow visualization in a full scale francis turbine
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper describes the experimental investigations carried out in the Francis turbine at Svorka power plant operated by Statkraft in Norway. The unit, with a head of 260 m, can deliver a maximum output load of 25 MW. The ... -
Behavior of Francis turbines at part load. Field assessment in prototype: Effects on power swing.
(Institute of Physics (IOP), 2019)
Conference report
Open AccessFrancis turbines are increasingly demanded to work at part load in order to satisfy the electricity generation demand and to compensate the non-constant generation of other renewable sources such as wind or solar. At part ... -
Behavior of Francis turbines at part load. Field assessment in prototype: Effects on the hydraulic system.
(Institute of Physics (IOP), 2019)
Conference report
Open AccessAt present, hydropower plants play an important role because of their flexibility in the generation of electricity. Today, the required operating range of turbine units is expected to extend to deep part load. At part load ... -
Cavitation effects on the structural resonance of hydraulic turbines: Failure analysis in a real francis turbine runner
Open AccessWhen discussing potential resonances in hydraulic turbine runners, cavitation effects are usually neglected. Nevertheless, recent studies have experimentally proved, that large cavitation volumes in the proximity of flexible ... -
CFD study of the effects of ingested bodies on the RSI of hydraulic turbines
Conference report
Open AccessThe ingestion of large bodies in hydraulic turbines can produce blockage in the runner and/or the distributor, modifying the amplitude and uniformity of pressure pulsations and generating large ... -
CFD study of the Rotor-Stator Interaction in a Francis turbine
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-04-26)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEn el següent treball de fi de grau, el qual forma part d'un projecte dirigit pel CDIF (Centre de Diagnòstic Industrial i Fluïdodinàmica), es pretén realitzar l'estudi del model geomètric d'un prototip real d'una turbina ... -
Condition monitoring of a prototype turbine. Description of the system and main results
(Institute of Physics (IOP), 2017)
Conference report
Open AccessThe fast change in new renewable energy is affecting directly the required operating range of hydropower plants. According to the present demand of electricity, it is necessary to generate different levels of power. Because ... -
Condition monitoring of pump-turbines. New challenges
Open AccessAt present, pumped storage is the only system to store huge amounts of energy. The surplus of energy in the electrical grid is used for pumping water from a lower to a higher reservoir (pump operation). At peak hours or ...