Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Inhibition of light tunneling in waveguide arrays 

      Szameit, Alexander; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Dreisow, Felix; Heinrich, Matthias; Pertsch, T; Nolte, Stefan; Tunnermann, A; Vysloukh, Victor A.; Lederer, F; Torner Sabata, Lluís (2009-04)
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      We report the observation of almost perfect light tunneling inhibition at the edge and inside laser-written waveguide arrays due to band collapse. When the refractive index of the guiding channels is harmonically modulated ...
    • Nonlinearity-induced broadening of resonances in dynamically modulated couplers 

      Szameit, Alexander; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Heinrich, Matthias; Dreisow, Felix; Keil, R; Nolte, Stefan; Tunnermann, A; Vysloukh, Victor A.; Lederer, F; Torner Sabata, Lluís (2009-01)
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      We report the observation of nonlinearity-induced broadening of resonances in dynamically modulated directional couplers. When the refractive index of the guiding channels in the coupler is harmonically modulated along the ...
    • Observation of two-dimensional coherent surface vector lattice solitons 

      Heinrich, Matthias; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Szameit, Alexander; Dreisow, Felix; Keil, R; Nolte, Stefan; Tunnermann, A; Vysloukh, Victor A.; Torner Sabata, Lluís (2009-01)
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      We report, to the best of our knowledge, the first experimental observation of vector surface solitons, which form at the edge and in the corner of two-dimensional laser-written waveguide arrays. These elliptically polarized ...
    • Observation of two-dimensional defect surface solitons 

      Szameit, Alexander; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Heinrich, Matthias; Dreisow, Felix; Pertsch, T; Nolte, Stefan; Tunnermann, A; Lederer, F; Vysloukh, Victor A.; Torner Sabata, Lluís (2009-03)
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      We report on the experimental observation of two-dimensional solitons located in defect channels at the surface of a hexagonal waveguide array. The threshold power for the excitation of solitons existing owing to total ...
    • Observation of two-dimensional lattice interface solitons 

      Szameit, Alexander; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Dreisow, Felix; Heinrich, Matthias; Vysloukh, Victor A.; Pertsch, T; Nolte, Stefan; Tunnermann, A; Lederer, F; Torner Sabata, Lluís (2008-04)
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      We report on the experimental observation of two-dimensional solitons at the interface between square and hexagonal waveguide arrays. In addition to the different symmetries of the lattices, the influence of a varying ...
    • Observation of two-dimensional surface solitons in asymmetric waveguide arrays 

      Szameit, Alexander; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Dreisow, Felix; Pertsch, T; Nolte, Stefan; Tunnermann, A; Torner Sabata, Lluís (2007-04)
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      We report on the experimental observation of two-dimensional surface waves localized at the edge or in the corner of femtosecond laser-written waveguide arrays in fused silica. Increasing the power of the input beam allows ...