Browsing by Subject "Transferència de tecnologia"
Now showing items 1-20 of 43
A bibliometric overview of University-business collaboration between 1980 and 2016
Open AccessBibliometrics is a research field that analyses bibliographic material from a quantitative point of view. Aiming at providing a comprehensive overview, this study scrutinises the academic literature in university business ... -
A strategy case to facilitate the technology transfer between universities-enterprise
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policy -
Anàlisi dels factors d'interconnexió com a determinants de la transferència de coneixement entre universitat-empresa a Catalunya
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEn els últims anys hi ha hagut un increment de preocupació sobre la importància de generar nous models de creixement econòmic basats en la transferència de coneixement en l’economia territorial, associant els tres agents ... -
Assessing the productivity of technology transfer offices: an analysis of the relevance of aspiration performance and portfolio complexity
Open AccessThe paper investigates the productivity level of technology transfer offices (TTOs) affiliated to Spanish public universities. The proposed approach allows the development of a framework that matches universities’ technology ... -
Assessing university performance and strategic paths in the presence of multiple objectives
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012-06-28)
Doctoral thesis
Open AccessCompetitiveness and excellence heavily rely on the capacity of regions to innovate and transfer knowledge from academic institutions to society. In a scenario where these values acquire a growing importance, universities ... -
AwaZza, recerca viatjant cap a producte
Open AccessLa transferència de tecnologia dels laboratoris de recerca fins a l'explotació comercial no és un camí fàcil ni tant sols per als productes de software. AwaZza ens serveix d'exemple de les fases i dificultats trobades pel ... -
Can a magic recipe foster university spin-off creation?
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis study examines factors that explain the creation of university spin-offs. The study focuses on mechanisms that technology transfer offices (TTOs) and universities employ to foster spin-offs. These mechanisms include ... -
Capitalising new knowledge through R&D alliances: evidence from Catalan technology centres
Open AccessScience-industry R&D alliances have been a longstanding object of analysis in the literature as they are reinforced by the changing global economy and the fast-moving nature of technological research. In order to advance ... -
Caracterización del proceso de valorización de la I+D universitaria
Conference report
Open AccessEl conocimiento y las tecnologías resultantes de las actividades de investigación generadas en las universidades son susceptibles de ser utilizadas en el sector empresarial, y en especial en el productivo, mediante procesos ... -
Centre d’idees i aplicacions comercials de la innovació en telecomunicacions
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007-09-17)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessEl present document recull les bases per tal de crear una empresa, especialitzada en transferència de tecnologia de telecomunicacions. La dedicació d’aquesta inclou la creació d’idees de negoci, i el seu desenvolupament. ... -
Cloenda de la Jornada-Debat
Open Access -
Commercialization of disruptive innovations: literature review and proposal for a process framework
(Elsevier, 2021-09)
Open AccessThe challenges of disruptive innovations have gained significant attention from both academics and practitioners, commercialization being one of the most critical phases. At the same time, however, it is the less studied ... -
Desempeño de las oficinas de transferencia universitarias como intermediarias para la potencialización del mercado de conocimiento
(Intangible Capital, 2014-04)
Open AccessObjeto: Este artículo explora la literatura de modelos de triple hélice y conceptualiza el rol de las oficinas de transferencia de investigación universitarias como entidades intermediarias para la valorización y ... -
Desempeño de las oficinas de transferencia universitarias como intermediarias para la potencialización del mercado de conocimiento
Open AccessPurpose: This article explores the Triple Helix model and conceptualizes the role of Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) as intermediaries for the valuation and commercialization of the knowledge generated at universities ... -
Diari El Llobregat
(Comunicación MetroBCN, 2019-01)
Contribution to periodical
Open AccessDes de la seva vocació com a soci natural de l’empresa, la UPC es considera font de for-mació, de talent, d'equipaments especia-litzats i d’innovació tecnològica. En aquest context, el Campus ... -
Estudi d'un model de transferència tecnològica i incubació de start-ups
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-06-22)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decision -
Examining strategies behind universities’ technology transfer portfolio: how different patterns of resource consumption can lead to similar technology transfer profiles
(Emerald Group Publishing, 2021)
Open AccessPurpose – This research analyses how different patterns of production factors consumption of Spanish universities lead to specific technology transfer (TT) profiles (outcomes). Design/methodology/approach – Adopting a ... -
Examining technology transfer activities at universities: does one recipe explain all outcomes?
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe growing importance knowledge and innovation are acquiring as the basis for economic development and growth has lead universities to expand their traditional functions, spreading their commitment in ... -
Exploring the relationship between service quality of technology transfer offices and researchers’ patenting activity
Open AccessThis article examines how the perceived quality of the service provided by technology transfer offices influences researchers’ likelihood to patent their research results. A novel three-dimensional model is proposed aiming ... -
Factores que impulsan a los investigadores a involucrarse en contratos de I+D
Open AccessEste artículo investiga los factores que influyen en los investigadores a la hora de participar en contratos de colaboración en I+D entre universidad e industria, tomando como caso concreto el de la Universidad Nacional ...