Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Coastal observatories for monitoring of fish behaviour and their responses to environmental changes 

      Aguzzi, Jacopo; Doya, Carol; Río Fernández, Joaquín del (2015-05-18)
      Open Access
      The inclusion of behavioural components in the analysis of a community is of key relevance in marine ecology. Diel and seasonal activity rhythms or more longlasting changes in behavioural responses determine shifts in ...
    • Desenvolupament d'una eina de processat de senyal per a dades espectrals 

      Garrido Luque, Oscar (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-01-21)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
      L’aigua és el recurs per viure més important del planeta Terra, cobrint més del 70% de la seva superfície. Concretament, els oceans representen més del 97% de l’aigua total del planeta i és on concentra el 99,5% del ...
    • Instrumentació virtual : adquisició, processament i anàlisi de senyals 

      Sánchez Robert, F.J.; Olivé Duran, Joaquim; Manuel Lázaro, Antonio; Biel Solé, Domingo; Prat Tasias, Jordi (Edicions UPC, 1997)
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community
      La finalitat d'aquest text és introduir noves metodologies d'aprenentatge de diversos camps de l'enginyeria utilitzant les noves eines de programació gràfica que constituexen el que es coneix com instrumentació virtual. ...
    • Marine fauna identification via image analysis from OBSEA 

      Condal, Fernando; Aguzzi, Jacopo; Sardà, Francesc; Manuel Lázaro, Antonio (2010-12-01)
      Open Access
      The OBSEA laboratory has integrated an IP-Video camera that works 24 hours per day recording images of local fauna. These images have been analyzed in order to identify the different marine organisms in the vicinities.
    • Monitoring sediment dynamics at the boundary between the coastal zone and the continental shelf 

      Antonijuan Rull, Josefina; Guillen, J.; Nogueras Cervera, Marc; Manuel Lázaro, Antonio; Palanques Monteys, Albert; Puig, P. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2011)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This article presents some preliminary results of the sedimentary dynamics observed during the first 3 months of data collection obtained with the Acoustic Wave and Current Profiler installed in the OBSEA platform in the ...
    • Seasonal changes in coastal fish assemblages by multiparametric video-observatory monitoring 

      Fanelli, Emmanuela; Sbragaglia, Valerio; Azzurro, Ernesto; Marini, Simone; Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Toma, Daniel; Aguzzi, Jacopo (2017)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Mutiparametric cable video-observatories can offer a great opportunity for the simultaneous monitoring of biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem, responding to the monitoring strategic needs of the EU Marine ...