Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • A hybrid rugosity mesostructure (HRM) for rendering fine haptic detail 

      Theoktisto Colmenares, Victor Arturo; Fairén González, Marta; Navazo Álvaro, Isabel (2009-02)
      Research report
      Open Access
      The haptic rendering of surface mesostructure (fine relief features) in dense triangle meshes requires special structures, equipment, and high sampling rates for detailed perception of rugged models. Some approaches simulate ...
    • Enabling collaboration in virtual reality navigators 

      Theoktisto Colmenares, Victor Arturo; Fairén González, Marta; Navazo Álvaro, Isabel (2004-03)
      Research report
      Open Access
      In this paper we characterize a feature superset for Collaborative Virtual Reality Environments (CVRE), and derive a component framework to transform stand-alone VR navigators into full-fledged multithreaded ...
    • On extending collaboration in virtual reality environments 

      Theoktisto Colmenares, Victor Arturo; Fairén González, Marta (2005-10)
      Research report
      Open Access
      We characterize the feature superset of Collaborative Virtual Reality Environments (CVREs) out of existing implementations, and derive a novel component framework for transforming standalone VR tools into full-fledged ...