Now showing items 1-20 of 67

    • A low-disturbance diagnostic function integrated in the PV arrays' MPPT algorithm 

      Sera, Dezso; Mathe, L.; Kerekes, Tamas; Teodorescu, Remus; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro (IEEE, 2011)
      Conference report
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      This paper focuses on the estimation of series resistance changes for flat silicone PV panels or arrays during operation, without moving the operating point far away from the Maximum Power Point1. The method is based ...
    • A new high-efficiency single-phase transformerless PV inverter topology 

      Kerekes, Tamas; Teodorescu, Remus; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Vázquez Guzmán, Gerardo; Aldabas Rubira, Emiliano (IEEE Press. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2011-01)
      Open Access
      There is a strong trend in the photovoltaic inverter technology to use transformerless topologies in order to acquire higher efficiencies combining with very low ground leakage current. In this paper, a new topology, ...
    • A new PWM strategy for grid-connected half-bridge active NPC converters with losses distribution balancing mechanism 

      Ma, Lin; Kerekes, Tamas; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Jin, Xinmin; Teodorescu, Remus; Liserre, Marco (2015-01-09)
      Open Access
      Photovoltaic systems technological development is driven by the request for higher efficiency and safety. These concerns influence also the choice of the power converter stage. Several topologies have been proposed and ...
    • A photovoltaic three-phase topology to reduce common mode voltage 

      Vázquez Guzmán, Gerardo; Kerekes, Tamas; Rocabert Delgado, Joan; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Teodorescu, Remus; Aguilar, Daniel (2010)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      At the present time most of the photovoltaic (PV) applications require to be integrated to the electrical grid. There are mainly two types of PV systems: with galvanic isolation (transformer) and transformerless. PV ...
    • A single leg switched PWM method for three-phase H-bridge voltage source converters 

      Senturk, Osman S.; Munk-Nielsen, Stig; Teodorescu, Remus; Helle, Lars; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro (2009)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      This paper proposes a single leg switched or a hybrid PWM (HPWM) method for three-phase three-level HBridge Voltage Source Converters (3L-HB-VSCs). By means of the proposed modulation, a 3L-HB-VSC can generate the ...
    • A stationary reference frame grid synchronization system for three-phase grid-connected power converters under adverse grid conditions 

      Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Luna Alloza, Álvaro; Muñoz Aguilar, Raúl Santiago; Etxebarría, Ion; Teodorescu, Remus; Blaabjerg, Frede (2012-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Grid synchronization algorithms are of great importance in the control of grid-connected power converters, as fast and accurate detection of the grid voltage parameters is crucial in order to implement stable control ...
    • Active current control in wind power plants during grid faults 

      Martínez Navarro, Jorge; Kjaer, P. C.; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Teodorescu, Remus (2010-11)
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      Modern wind power plants are required and designed to ride through faults in electrical networks, subject to fault clearing. Wind turbine fault current contribution is required from most countries with a high amount of ...
    • Adaptive hysteresis band current control for transformerless single-phase PV inverters 

      Vázquez Guzmán, Gerardo; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Ordoñez, Rafael; Kerekes, Tamas; Teodorescu, Remus (2009)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Current control based on hysteresis algorithms are widely used in different applications, such as motion control, active filtering or active/reactive power delivery control in distributed generation systems. The hysteresis ...
    • Advanced structures for grid synchronization of power converters in distributed generation applications 

      Luna Alloza, Álvaro; Rocabert Delgado, Joan; Candela García, José Ignacio; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Teodorescu, Remus; Blaabjerg, Frede (2012)
      Conference report
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      The Transmission System Operators are specially concerned about the Low Voltage Ride Through requirements of distributed generation power plants. Solutions based on the installation of STATCOMs and DVRs, as well as on ...
    • Application of over-current relay in offshore wind power plant grid with VSC-HVDC connection 

      Chaudhary, S. K.; Teodorescu, Remus; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Kjaer, Philip Carne (2011)
      Conference report
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      This paper presents the setting and coordination of over-current relays in an offshore wind power plant (WPP) grid connected only to the power electronic converters with limited fault current capability. The limited fault ...
    • Aspects of wind power plant collector network layout and control architecture 

      Altin, M.; Teodorescu, Remus; Bak-Jensen, Birgitte; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Kjaer, P. C. (2010)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Recent developments in wind turbine technology go towards the installation of larger Wind Power Plants (WPPs) both onshore and offshore. As wind power penetration level increases, power system operators are challenged ...
    • Chopper controlled resistors in VSC-HVDC transmission for WPP with full-scale converters 

      Chaudhary, S. K.; Teodorescu, Remus; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Kjaer, P. C. (2009)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Large and distant offshore wind power plants can be efficiently connected to the onshore power grid network using VSC-HVDC (Voltage Source Converter based HVDC) transmission. Chopper controlled resistors can be used to ...
    • Clustered PV inverters in LV networks: an overview of impacts and comparison of voltage control strategies 

      Demirok, Erhan; Sera, Dezso; Teodorescu, Remus; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro (2009)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      High penetration of photovoltaic (PV) inverters in low voltage (LV) distribution network challenges the voltage stability due to interaction between multiple inverters and grid. As the main objective is to provide more ...
    • Comparison of two voltage control strategies for a wind power plant 

      Martinez, J.; Kjaer, P. C.; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Teodorescu, Remus (IEEE, 2011)
      Conference report
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      Larger percentages of wind power penetration translate to more demanding requirements from grid codes. Recently, voltage support at the point of connection has been introduced by several grid codes from around the world, ...
    • Constant common mode voltage modulation strategy for the FB10 power converter 

      Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Muñoz Aguilar, Raúl Santiago; Vázquez Guzmán, Gerardo; Candela García, José Ignacio; Teodorescu, Remus (IEEE, 2011)
      Conference report
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      In this paper a modulation strategy based on the classical space vector modulation is applied to the FB10 converter, a new converter topology for PV applications. Firstly, the FB10 converter is presented and the ...
    • Control and operation of wind turbine converters during faults in an offshore wind power plant grid with VSC-HVDC connection 

      Chaudhary, S. K.; Teodorescu, Remus; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Kjaer, P. C. (IEEE, 2011)
      Conference report
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      Voltage source converter (VSC) based high voltage dc (HVDC) transmission is an attractive technique for large offshore wind power plants, especially when long cable transmission is required for connection to the onshore ...
    • Control of Full-Scale Converter based Wind Power Plants for damping of low frequency system oscillations 

      Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Teodorescu, Remus; Adamczyk, Andrzej Grzegorz (IEEE Press. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2011)
      Conference report
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      Damping of low frequency power oscillations is one of essential aspects of maintaining power system stability. In literature can be found publications on damping capability of Doubly Fed Induction Generator based wind ...
    • Control of power converters in distributed generation applications under grid fault conditions 

      Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Luna Alloza, Álvaro; Muñoz Aguilar, Raúl Santiago; Córcoles López, Felipe; Teodorescu, Remus; Blaabjerg, Frede (IEEE, 2011)
      Conference report
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      The operation of distributed power generation systems under grid fault conditions is a key issue for the massive integration of renewable energy systems. Several studies have been conducted to improve the response of ...
    • Control of STATCOM in wind power plants based on induction generators during asymmetrical grid faults 

      Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Luna Alloza, Álvaro; Medeiros, G.; Teodorescu, Remus; Blaabjerg, F. (2010)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This paper explores different strategies to set the reference current of a STATCOM under unbalanced grid voltage conditions. The aim of the proposed control strategies is to provide a set of reactive current references ...
    • Converter structure-based power loss and static thermal modeling of the press-pack IGBT three-level ANPC VSC applied to multi-MW wind turbines 

      Senturk, Osman S.; Helle, Lars; Munk-Nielsen, Stig; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Teodorescu, Remus (2011-09-19)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Wind turbine converters demand high power density due to nacelle space limitation and high reliability due to high maintenance cost. Depending on the converter structure, the converter thermal performance determines the ...