Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Measuring Chern numbers in Hofstadter strips 

      Mugel, Samuel; Dauphin, Alexandre; Massignan, Pietro Alberto; Tarruell, Leticia; Lewenstein, Maciej; Lobo, Carlos; Celi, Alessio (2017-08-15)
      Open Access
      Topologically non-trivial Hamiltonians with periodic boundary conditions are characterized by strictly quantized invariants. Open questions and fundamental challenges concern their existence, and the possibility of measuring ...
    • Quantum liquid droplets in a mixture of Bose-Einstein condensates 

      Cabrera, C. R.; Tanzi, L.; Sanz, J.; Naylor, B.; Thomas, P.; Cheiney, P.; Tarruell, Leticia (2017)
      Open Access
      Quantum droplets are small clusters of atoms self-bound by the balance of attractive and repulsive forces. Here we report on the observation of a novel type of droplets, solely stabilized by contact interactions in a ...
    • Quantum liquid droplets in a mixture of Bose-Einstein condensates [Dataset] 

      Cabrera, C. R.; Tanzi, L.; Sanz, J.; Naylor, B.; Thomas, P.; Cheiney, P.; Tarruell, Leticia (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-08-25)
      Open Access
    • Synthetic dimensions for topological and quantum phases 

      Argüello Luengo, Javier; Bhattacharya, Utso; Celi, Alessio; Chhajlany, Ravindra W.; Grass, Tobias Daniel; Plodzien, Marcin; Rakshit, Debraj; Salamon, Tymoteusz Piotr; Stornati, Paolo; Tarruell, Leticia; Lewenstein, Maciej (Springer, 2024-05-04)
      Open Access
      The concept of synthetic dimensions works particularly well in atomic physics, quantum optics, and photonics, where the internal degrees of freedom (Zeeman sublevels of the ground state, metastable excited states, or ...
    • Three-dimensional droplets of swirling superfluids 

      Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Malomed, Boris A.; Tarruell, Leticia; Torner Sabata, Lluís (American Physical Society (APS), 2018-07-12)
      Open Access
      A new method for the creation of 3D solitary topological modes, corresponding to vortical droplets of a two-component dilute superfluid, is presented. We use the recently introduced system of nonlinearly coupled Gross-Pitaevskii ...