Browsing by Subject "Túnels ferroviaris"
Now showing items 1-20 of 29
A 2.5D FEM-BEM-MFS methodology for soil-structure interaction problems in layered half-spaces
Conference report
Open AccessIn this paper, a new prediction methodology to deal with longitudinally invariant soil-structure interaction problems in elastodynamics is presented. The method uses the finite-element method to model the structure, the ... -
Alternatives del túnel ferroviari del Turó de Montcada
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-10-17)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessAquest treball consisteix en un anàlisi d'alternatives per a la implantació d'un túnel ferroviari sota el Turó de Montcada. Aquesta nova infraestructura permetria reduir tant el recorregut com el temps de viatge principalment ... -
Anàlisi de les necessitats de la xarxa de rodalia ferroviària a Barcelona i proposta d'un nou túnel
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-07-19)
Master thesis
Open AccessLa xarxa ferroviària de Rodalies està destinada a ser la columna vertebral de la mobilitat de la regió metropolitana de Barcelona. Amb una xarxa actual al límit, les actuacions que es duran a terme els propers anys han de ... -
Aproximación a la planificación y construcción de túneles ferroviarios de gran longitud
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014-09-25)
Bachelor thesis
Open Access -
Assessment of dynamic vibration absorbers efficiency as a countermeasure for ground-borne vibrations induced by train traffic in double-deck tunnels using an energy flow criterion
(Springer, 2019)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyDouble-deck tunnels are an innovative tunnel layout design useful to enhance the efficiency of underground railway transportation systems in which the tunnel is divided into two sections by an interior floor. However, ... -
Building a deep isolating wall by an existing rail tunnel
(Institution of Civil Engineers, 2006)
Open AccessThis paper describes the design, construction and early performance of a retaining structure close to a subway tunnel in Barcelona. The excavation, about 16 m deep, was carried out in 2001 during the construction of a new ... -
Computationally efficient model for calculating the 2.5D green's functions of a tunnel buried in a layered half-space system
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyNoise and vibration pollution caused by underground railway traffic in urban areas become a major issue of concern due to their effects on the quality of life and comfort of the inhabitants. An accurate and computationally ... -
Contribución al estudio de los túneles ferroviarios de gran longitud
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2011-10-20)
Minor thesis
Open AccessEn las últimas décadas estamos viviendo un fenómeno de expansión de las líneas ferroviarias de alta velocidad en todo el mundo. Los exigentes trazados de este tipo de líneas obligan a construir túneles de gran longitud y ... -
Control de l'execució del túnel de la línia 9 i proposta d'adaptació a un nou traçat
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2005-02)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Restricted access - author's decisionEl projecte “Control d’execució del túnel de la Línia 9 i proposta d’adaptació a un nou traçat” es basa en el seguiment del túnel de la futura línia 9 del metro de Barcelona, concretament del tram 4t, Can Zam-Bon Pastor, ... -
Control of ground-borne underground railway-induced vibration from double-deck tunnel infrastructures by means of dynamic vibration absorbers
Open AccessThe aim of this study is to investigate the efficiency of Dynamic Vibration Absorbers (DVAs) as a vibration abatement solution for railway-induced vibrations in the framework of a doubledeck circular railway tunnel ... -
Design and construction of an optical-thermal camera rig for railway tunnel inspection
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-05)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decision
Covenantee: Gekotech Solutions / Glasgow Caledonian UniversityExecutive Summary Railway tunnel inspections have been mainly undertaken in the traditional manner, which does not provide very reliable data and it is time consuming. Therefore, alternative methods need to be developed ... -
Efficiency of isolated concrete blocks applied in railway slab tracks as mitigation measures for railway-induced ground-borne vibration in tunnels
(Institute of Noise Control Engineering, 2020)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper presents a study of the efficiency of isolated concrete blocks as vibration mitigation measures for railway-induced ground-borne vibration problems in subway metro tunnels. The study is performed numerically, ... -
Els túnels ferroviaris a la collada de Toses
Open AccessAt the beginning of the 20th century, and within the train network connecting to France, there was a project to extend the train network Barcelona-Ripoll to Ribes de Freser and from there, crossing the Toses pass, to ... -
EPB tunneling and shaft construction in soft deltaic deposits for a railway link to Barcelona airport
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2021)
Part of book or chapter of book
Restricted access - publisher's policyConstruction of a local train access to El Prat Airport in Barcelona was completed in 2019. The project included passing under Terminal T2, airport apron and one runway by means of EPB (earth-pressure-balance) tunnelling ... -
EPB tunnelling in deltaic deposits: observations of ground movements
(CRC Press, 2011)
Conference report
Open Access -
Estudio de las afecciones al entorno de un túnel urbano
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010-05-01)
Master thesis
Open AccessLas consecuencias asociadas a los trabajos de excavaciones y construcción de túneles deben evaluarse tanto para los elementos propios de la obra así como para aquellos ubicados en el entorno de actuación. Los movimientos ... -
Estudio de ventilación de la línea de metro Corredor Diagonal de Guadalajara
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016)
Master thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionEl presente trabajo describe todo el procedimiento que se ha seguido para la evaluación del sistema de ventilación de túnel de la línea de metro ligero Corredor Diagonal de Guadalajara. Este sistema se evalúa bajo ... -
Estudio y diseño de una infraestructura entre Irlanda del Norte y Escocia
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decision -
Numerical modelling of tunnel based on a non-contact geological survey method
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe development of new methods for the geostructural survey that do not need direct contact with the rock mass have been developed by several authors and applied to rock slopes. The new idea of this work was to apply a ... -
Optimization of dynamic vibration absorbers placed on the tunnel interior surface to mitigate underground railway-induced vibration
(Sociedade Portuguesa de Acústica, 2016)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn the present study, dynamic vibration absorber (DVA) has been introduced as an innovative countermeasure in the field of railway-induced vibration. The Pipe-in-Pipe (PiP) model and Green's functions for a two-and-a-half ...