Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Comparison of single carrier and OFDM with back-propagation and RF pilot tone for a 9x224Gb/s POLMUX-16QAM system 

      Prat Gomà, Josep Joan; Díaz Souto, Alberto; Maalej, Z.; Lobato, A.; Adhikari, Sukumar Das; Timmers, E.; Napoli, Antonio; Kuschnerov, M.; Spinnler, B. (2011)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The performance of single carrier and OFDM is compared when nonlinear compensation at the DSP receiver is employed. We show that the joint use of RF-pilot and back-propagation adds further improvement to OFDM performance.
    • Digital pre-emphasis for 10Gb/s with low-cost directly phase-modulated lasers for PONs 

      Tabares Giraldo, Jeison; Napoli, Antonio; Polo Querol, Víctor; Calabro, S.; Sommerkorn-Krombholz, B.; Spinnler, B.; Prat Gomà, Josep Joan (Optical Society of American (OSA), 2018)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      We apply digital pre-emphasis to compensate for the frequency response non-idealities of low-cost optical transmitters. It enables transmission beyond 10Gb/s with 2/4/8-DPSK using directly modulated lasers and coherent ...