Now showing items 1-20 of 228

    • A cluster head selection method for wireless sensor networks based on fuzzy logic 

      Anno, Junpei; Barolli, Leonard; Xhafa Xhafa, Fatos; Durresi, Arjan (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2007)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Sensor networks supported by recent technological advances in low power wireless communications along with silicon integration of various functionalities are emerging as a critically important computer class that enable ...
    • A context-aware service architecture for the integration of body sensor networks and social networks through IP multimedia subsystem 

      Domingo Aladrén, Mari Carmen (2011-01-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      In this article a new context-aware architecture is proposed for the integration of body sensor networks and social networks through the IP Multimedia Subsystem. Its motivating application scenarios are described. The ...
    • A data-driven framework for air quality sensor networks 

      Ferrer Cid, Pau; Paredes Ahumada, Juan Antonio; Allka, Xhensilda; Guerrero Zapata, Manel; Barceló Ordinas, José María; García Vidal, Jorge (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024-01-11)
      Open Access
      In this article, we present our research vision of a framework for obtaining quality data in air quality monitoring networks using low-cost sensors (LCSs). The use of LCS networks is gaining increasing acceptance in many ...
    • A diffusion-based distributed EM algorithm for density estimation in wireless sensor networks 

      Silva Pereira, Silvana; López Valcarce, Roberto; Pagès Zamora, Alba Maria (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      We address the problem of distributed estimation of a parameter from a set of noisy observations collected by a sensor network, assuming that some sensors may be subject to data failures and report only noise. In such ...
    • A diffusion-based em algorithm for distributed estimation in unreliable sensor networks 

      Silva Pereira, Silvana; López Valcarce, Roberto; Pagès Zamora, Alba Maria (2013-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      We address the problem of distributed estimation of a parameter from a set of noisy observations collected by a sensor network, assuming that some sensors may be subject to data failures and report only noise. In such ...
    • A distributed energy-aware routing protocol for underwater wireless sensor networks 

      Domingo Aladrén, Mari Carmen (2011-04-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The design of routing protocols for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) poses many challenges due to the intrinsic properties of underwater environments. In this paper we present DUCS (Distributed Underwater ...
    • A MAC protocol for underwater sensors networks 

      Santos, Rodrigo; Orozco, Javier; Ochoa, Sergio; Meseguer Pallarès, Roc; Eggly, Gabriel (2015)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Underwater sensor networks are becoming an important field of research, because of its everyday increasing application scope. Examples of their application areas are environmental and pollution monitoring (mainly oil ...
    • A mixed-signal control system for Lorentz-force resonant MEMS magnetometers 

      Sánchez Chiva, José María; Valle Fraga, Juan José; Fernández, Daniel; Madrenas Boadas, Jordi (2019-09-01)
      Open Access
      This paper presents a mixed-signal closed-loop control system for Lorentz force resonant MEMS magnetometers. The control system contributes to 1) the automatic phase control of the loop, that allows start-up and keeps ...
    • A multi-agent adaptive protocol for femto-satellite applications 

      González Rufián, Raquel; Naudó Vallverdú, Juan (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2011-07-15)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      Femto-satellites are a very promising category of satellites that weigh less than 100 grams. Also, a Pico-Rover it is a self-contained robot that weighs less than 1 kilogram and its motion works by rolling the external ...
    • A proxy design to leverage the interconnection of CoAP wireless sensor networks with web applications 

      Ludovici, Alessandro; Calveras Augé, Anna M. (2015-01-09)
      Open Access
      In this paper, we present the design of a Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) proxy able to interconnect Web applications based on Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and WebSocket with CoAP based Wireless Sensor Networks. ...
    • A sensor data-based approach for the definition of condition taxonomies for a hydraulic pump † 

      Gil Buigues, Carlos; König, Caroline (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2020-11)
      Open Access
      Condition monitoring (CM) is an important application in industry for detecting machine failures in an incipient stage. Based on sensor data, computational intelligence methods provide efficient solutions for the analysis ...
    • A sensor web architecture for integrating smart oceanographic sensors into the semantic sensor web 

      Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Toma, Daniel; Martínez Padró, Enoc; O'Reilly, Thomas C.; Delory, Eric; Pearlman, Jay S; Waldmann, Christoph; Jirka, Simon (2018-10)
      Open Access
      Effective ocean and coastal data management are needed to manage marine ecosystem health. Past ocean and coastal data management systems were often very specific to a particular application and region, but this focused ...
    • A Sensor web architecture for sharing oceanographic sensor data 

      Jirka, Simon; Toma, Daniel; Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Delory, Eric (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper introduces the Sensor Web architecture of the NeXOS project as example how interoperable standards help, to facilitate the creation of an infrastructure for sharing oceanographic observation data and the ...
    • A survey on M2M systems for mHealth: a wireless communications perspective 

      Kartsakli, Elli; Lalos, Aristeidis; Antonopoulos, Angelos; Tennina, Stefano; Di Renzo, Marco; Alonso Zárate, Luis Gonzaga; Verikoukis, Christos (2014-10-01)
      Open Access
      In the new era of connectivity, marked by the explosive number of wireless electronic devices and the need for smart and pervasive applications, Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications are an emerging technology that enables ...
    • A viability plan of a unit of research in applications of new telecommunications technologies 

      Tena del Pozo, Alberto (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-06-30)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
    • Adaptive localization and tracking of objects in a sensor network 

      López Rodríguez, Adrian (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014-12-18)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
      Covenantee:   Northeastern University
      [ANGLÈS] Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used to monitor physical or environmental conditions, and to pass their data through the network to a central location. These networks have applications in diverse areas including ...
    • Advancing the interoperability of ocean sensors. Workshop demostration at ocean innovation 2008 congress 

      Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Toma, Daniel; Manuel Lázaro, Antonio (2008-12-01)
      Open Access
      The aim of this project is to implement a smart sensor worldwide network based on IEEE 1451 family of standards which can provide multiple interoperable clients to access geospatial and sensor data for national local ...
    • Agitació tèrmica mitjançant ultrasons 

      Rodríguez Gómez, Juan Pablo (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007-01)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Restricted access - author's decision
      El que es pretén amb aquest projecte és deixar oberta una línia de treball i investigació sobre l’aplicació dels ultrasons en la humidificació i producció de vapor fred (boira). Es vol veure com evolucionen magnituds tals ...
    • Almacenamiento en nodos de redes inalámbricas de sensores 

      Pérez Rodríguez, Iria (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2013-01-21)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
      [ANGLÈS] The aim of this project is to store data inside a Wireless Sensor Network node, in order to transmit it when the conditions are favourable, using a certain hardware and software stack. This necessity comes from ...
    • An alternative wearable tracking system based on a low-power wide-area network 

      Fernández García, Raúl; Gil Galí, Ignacio (2017-03-14)
      Open Access
      This work presents an alternative wearable tracking system based on a low-power wide area network. A complete GPS receiver was integrated with a textile substrate, and the latitude and longitude coordinates were sent to ...