Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Estoc: New approach warrants long-term support to the oceanic observational program 

      Cianca, A; Santana, R.; Delory, E.; Remirez, X.; Barrera, C.; Llerandi, C.; Cardona, L.; Villagarcia, M.; Vega, D.; Gonzáles Dávila, M.; Santana Casiano, M.; Rueda, MJ.; Llinas, O. (SARTI, 2011)
      Open Access
    • Ocean gliders for maritime surveillance: the FP7-Perseus project 

      Barrera, C.; Alcaraz, D.; Tessei, A.; Waldmann, Christoph; Galletti, D.; Rueda, MJ.; Hdez Brito, J.; Llinas, O. (SARTI, 2015)
      Open Access
      The work presented in this paper is aimed to explain the key role of unmanned ocean vehicles in marine security applications such as the ones described in the FP7 PERSEUS Project. The PERSEUS project attempts to answer ...