Browsing by Author "Randerath, W."
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Comparison of upper airway respiratory resistance measurements with the esophageal pressure/airflow relationship during sleep
Morgenstern de Muller, Christian Rudolf; Schwaibold, Matthias; Randerath, W.; Bolz, Armin; Jané Campos, Raimon (2011)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyMeasurement of upper airway resistance is of interest in sleep disordered breathing to estimate upper airway patency. Resistance is calculated with the airflow and respiratory effort signals. However, there is no consensus ... -
Diferenciación automática de hipopneas mediante la señal de presión esofágica durante el sueño
Morgenstern de Muller, Christian Rudolf; Bolz, Armin; Schwaibold, Matthias; Randerath, W.; Jané Campos, Raimon (2009)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyLa diferenciación entre hipopneas obstructivas y centrales es uno de los trabajos más recurrentes en el diagnóstico de los trastornos respiratorios del sueño. La medición de presión esofágica (Pes) es el método gold-standard ...