Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Kinetic geiger dome with photovoltaic panels 

      Pronk, A.D.C.; Dominicus, M.M.T.; Da Conceiçao Van Nieuwenhuizen, J.B. (CIMNE, 2013)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      In this paper we describe the kinetic transformation of a Geiger dome in order to create a (large span) roof surface with photovoltaic elements that can be faced to the sun during the day. The purpose of this structure is ...
    • Producing optimized structures with inflatables 

      Pronk, A.D.C.; Dominicus, M.M.T.; Von Buelow, P.; Van Dijck, S.H.M.; Van de Koppel, W.J. (CIMNE, 2013)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      In this paper we describe the research of the best combination of construction, material and typology for structures with bending moments constructed with fabric formwork. The results are inflated three dimensional (open ...