Browsing by Subject "Planificació estratègica"
Now showing items 1-20 of 143
A decision support system and a mathematical model for strategic workforce planning in consultancies
Open AccessStrategic staff planning in consultancies is a major problem that directly affects the firm’s performance and capacity for dealing with projects appropriately. Furthermore, the decisions taken now will have long term ... -
A simulation study of the fleet sizing problem arising in offshore anchor handling operations
(Elsevier, 2010-05)
Restricted access - publisher's policyA fleet sizing problem arising in anchor handling operations related to movement of offshore mobile units is presented in this paper. Typically, the intensity of these operations is unevenly spread throughout the year. ... -
A theory and its model to formulate business unit strategies within the knowledge economy context: nine textile -catalonian cases
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007-10-10)
Doctoral thesis
Open AccessEsta tesis debe entenderse dentro del contexto de la economía del conocimiento. En este sentido la misma refleja varios aspectos que contribuyen a la ventaja competitiva de la firma; éstos son:<br/><br/>1) La misión y ... -
Accions de les universitats espanyoles per a impulsar la responsabilitat social universitària
Conference report
Open AccessLa responsabilitat social dins de les Institucions d'Educació Superior (IES) té una especial importància per la naturalesa social intrínseca de les universitats, sent les IES essencials per al desenvolupament social. Per ... -
Advantages and contributions in the balanced scorecard implementation
(OmniaScience, 2018-02)
Open AccessPurpose: In this paper we aim to identify and analyse a set of advantages and contributions derived from the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) implementation. Design/methodology: In order to answer the research question, we have ... -
Analysis of IT infrastructure flexibility impacts on IT-business strategic alignment
(OmniaScience, 2016-10)
Open AccessPurpose: To explore the impacts of IT infrastructure flexibility components (connectivity, modularity, compatibility, and IT personnel flexibility) on IT-business strategic alignment using Luftman’s strategic alignment ... -
Anàlisi i elaboració del pla d'internacionalització d'una empresa de software
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014-09-25)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open Access[ANGLÈS] The main goal of this project is to plan the internationalization of an educational software company. The project is structured into different chapters where the company is defined, as well as the products offered, ... -
Análisis de la Incorporación de la prevención de riesgos laborales en la estrategia de una empresa farmacéutica
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-10-27)
Master thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionLa finalidad del proyecto es el análisis delárea de prevención deriesgoslaboralesen el centro ubicadoen Vilasar de Dalt. Se trata deuna empresa farmacéutica especializada en medicamentos y tecnologías ... -
Aplicació de lean management en la gestió de microcerveseries
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014-10-16)
Master thesis
Open Access[ENGLISH] Applying lean management philosophy in managing microbreweries. - Create value stream map Current and Proposed - Implementations for managing Kanban stock - Calculation and replacement of inventories supermarkets. ... -
Auditoría de red de seguridad para empresa de telecomunicaciones
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-11)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreement -
Balanced scorecard, the key to employee well-being the impact of balanced scorecard on employee well-being: the case of state of Michigan-USA
Open AccessWhile the organizations have started to use methods consisting of financial and non-financial measures to track progress when they realized that traditional strategic management and performance measurement methods based ... -
Banc de proves per a l'estudi de sistemes de control
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-09-12)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessTesting platform for the study of control systems The following final project consists in the study and elaboration of a testing platform for the study of control systems. We will have to build a real system to control ... -
Beyond the circular economy theory: implementation methodology for industrial SMEs
(OmniaScience, 2021)
Open AccessPurpose: The circular economy has multiple benefits and opportunities to achieve sustainability and abetter future for the next generations. The purpose of this paper is to propose a methodology that guidesstep-by-step any ... -
Building ambidextrous organizations through intellectual capital: A proposal for a multilevel model
(OmniaScience, 2017-09)
Open AccessPurpose: This paper proposes an alternative theoretical model to describe, from a multilevel perspective, the way in which ambidexterity is built across different organizational levels, through specific combinations of ... -
Business plan and implementation of a manufacturing, distribution and retail business model
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-07-09)
Master thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionIn present times, more and more companies are taking the decision (sometimes vital) to go online. Increased user reach and huge flexibility make these business models attractive and a key factor in some cases for commercial ... -
Business plan de una consultoría de gestión del talento
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-07)
Master thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionEl objetivo principal para el desarrollo de la presente tesina es la de conocer si el servicio de consultoría de RRHH es viable, y con ello determinar si tiene sentido realizar una investigación futura (doctorado) donde ... -
Business plan of the first integral solution for the mobility and security on car parks
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Restricted access - author's decisionEl proyecto desarrolla el business plan de un nuevo producto que integra todos los datos relativos a la detección de vehículos en aparcamientos para mejorar la movilidad y la seguridad. Se estudia la tecnología disponible ... -
Business plan Virtua Step
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-03-02)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEn aquest document s’ha intentat plasmar de la millor manera possible el procés de transformació d’una idea de negoci a una realitat.El producte que pretenem desenvolupar és un software basat en les tecnologies ... -
Cartera de projectes TIC UPC
Open AccessL'elaboració del Pla Estratègic TIC de la UPC (PETIC 2021), emmarcat dins el Pla d'actuacions de la UPC 2018-2021, ha determinat els àmbits d'actuació prioritaris en les Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions ... -
Certification protocol “Historical Small Smart Cities”: a decision support system tool for the strategic management and recovery of minor historical centers
(Centre de Politica de Sol i Valoracions, CPSV / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC, 2019-12)
Conference report
Open AccessLa investigación en curso se presenta para la definición de un Sistema de Apoyo a la Decisión (DSS) dirigido a los órganos administrativos locales menores de las áreas internas. La herramienta, llamada Protocolo de HISMACIDAD ...