Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Comparing satellite based and ground based radar interferometry and field observations at the Canillo landslide (Pyrenees) 

      Corominas Dulcet, Jordi; Iglesias González, Rubén; Aguasca Solé, Alberto; Mallorquí Franquet, Jordi Joan; Fabregas Canovas, Francisco Javier; Planas, Xavier; Gili Ripoll, José Antonio (Springer, 2014)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The landslide of El Forn de Canillo in the Principality of Andorra is one of the largest in the Pyrenees. In 2007 a monitoring system (boreholes equipped with inclinometers, extensometers and piezometers) was set up. Between ...
    • Estudio hidráulico de la inundabilidad del Principado de Andorra 

      Sánchez Tueros, Hans Paul; Gómez Valentín, Manuel; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest; Riera, Manel; Planas, Xavier; Subra, Valèrie; Amigó, Jordi (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, 2009)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      El Principado de Andorra, debido a la ubicación de sus principales núcleos habitados a orillas del río Vallira, viene sufriendo inundaciones que provocan desde simples molestias a la población hasta serios problemas tanto ...
    • Noves aportacions al coneixement del gran moviment del forn de Canillo. Principat d’Andorra 

      Planas, Xavier; Corominas Dulcet, Jordi; Vilaplana, Joan Manuel; Altimir, Joan; Torrebadella, Joan; Amigó, Jordi (2011)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      This paper presents a new interpretation of the geological and structural evolution of the largelandslide of “el Forn de Canillo” from the detailed analysis of the deep cores of soundings made over the years 2007-2009, ...