Browsing by Subject "Optical measurements"
Now showing items 1-20 of 22
Análisis de la rugosidad de una superficie utilizando speckle
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-06-03)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessLa rugosidad de la superficie del papel es un parámetro sumamente importante en la fabricación del papel. La medida de rugosidad de la superficie es uno de los problemas centrales en la industria del papel. Actualmente, ... -
Characterization of speckle patterns generated by a semiconductor laser with optical feedback for speckle reduction in retinal imaging instruments
(International Society for Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2019)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyWe study experimentally the operating conditions of a semiconductor laser diode subjected to different amounts of optical feedback in order to find a stable and cost-efficient solution for speckle reduction in double-pass ... -
Comparison of the Adaptive Optics Vision Analyzer and the KR-1 W for measuring ocular wave aberrations
Open Access -
Design of a geosynchronous SAR system for water-vapour maps and deformation estimation
(European Space Agency (ESA), 2011)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn this paper, we propose a geosynchronous SAR concept that makes use of dual frequencies to achieve WIDE and SPOT coverage, aiming at continuous monitoring of deformation and generation of ... -
Development of living cells light scattering model from optical measurements
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2018-09-06)
Master thesis
Open AccessA simple light scattering model is developed to allow the extraction of the optical properties of arbitrary turbid media from the analysis of a single image. This model is applied to the analysis of genetically modified ... -
Estudio del disconfort visual: relación entre el cuestionario de Conlon y el test Pattern Glare en función de la edad
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2013-06-27)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessLos objetivos de este trabajo es investigar dos de los métodos para la detección del disconfort visual, comprobar la concordancia de los resultados entre las distintas pruebas, establecer la prevalencia del disconfort ... -
Experimental characterization of polarized light backscattering in fog environments
Open AccessThis paper focuses on the experimental characterization of the polarization behavior of light backscattered through fog. A polarimetric orthogonal state contrast imager and an active, purely polarized white illuminator ... -
Indoor experiments on polarimetric SAR interferometry
Open AccessA coherence optimization method, which makes use of polarimetry to enhance the quality of SAR interferograms, has been experimentally tested under laboratory conditions in an anechoic chamber. By carefully selecting the ... -
Mesura de la qualitat òptica ocular amb l’obtenció de la PSF de l’ull a partir d’imatges sobreexposades de doble pas
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014-06-30)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEn aquest treball s’ha estudiat la possibilitat d’obtenir imatges de doble pas a partir de la combinació de dues imatges independents, una de les quals és capturada amb una exposició correcta i l’altra sobreexposada. Per ... -
Mesurador de potència òptica
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007-02)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Restricted access - confidentiality agreement -
Micrometric noncontact profiler for optical quality surfaces
Restricted access - publisher's policyA non-contact technique for obtaining accurate profiles of optical qualitysurfaces with micrometric accuracy has been developed. The technique isbased on the Ronchi test principle, that is, on the study of the interaction ... -
Nociones básicas de deflectometría
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Normalización de los resultados de calidad óptica ocular proporcionados por OQAS
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010-01-27)
Master thesis
Open AccessRecientemente en el Centro de Desarrollo de Sensores, Instrumentación y Sistemas (CD6) de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), se ha desarrollado un nuevo instrumento basado en la técnica del doble paso para su ... -
Repetibilitat de les mesures de la qualitat òptica ocular amb OQAS
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010-01-13)
Master thesis
Open AccessAvaluar la qualitat òptica ocular no és una tasca fàcil perquè no es pot accedir físicament a l’espai imatge del sistema de l’ull. Tot i així, en els darrers anys, gràcies als avenços tecnològics, ha estat possible aplicar ... -
Robust array configuration for a microwave interferometric radiometer: application to the geoSTAR project
(IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2007-01-31)
Open AccessThe Geostationary Synthetic Thinned Array Radiometer represents a promising new approach to microwave atmospheric sounding from geostationary orbit based on passive interferometry. One of the major concerns about the ... -
Single-shot d-scan technique for ultrashort laser pulse characterization using transverse second-harmonic generation in random nonlinear crystals
Open AccessWe demonstrate a novel dispersion-scan (d-scan) scheme for single-shot temporal characterization of ultrashort laser pulses. The novelty of this method relies on the use of a highly dispersive crystal featuring antiparallel ... -
Step height standards based on self-assembly for 3D metrology of biological samples
Open AccessModern microscopes and profilometers such as the coherence scanning interferometer (CSI) approach sub-nm precision in height measurements. Transfer standards at all measured size scales are needed to guarantee traceability ... -
Stray-light correction of in-water array spectroradiometers. Effects on underwater optical measurements
Conference report
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Three-dimensional imaging confocal profiler without in-plane scanning
(International Society for Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2020)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyMost 3D metrological microscopes used today require a scanning through the optical axis, which is time consuming. The common techniques are Coherence Scanning Interferometry (CSI), Imaging Confocal Microscopy (ICM), and ... -
Three-dimensional measurements with a novel technique combination of confocal and focus variation with a simultaneous scan
(International Society for Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2016)
Conference report
Open AccessThe most common optical measurement technologies used today for the three dimensional measurement of technical surfaces are Coherence Scanning Interferometry (CSI), Imaging Confocal Microscopy (IC), and Focus Variation ...