Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • A geometric approach to the Carlson problem 

      Compta Creus, Albert; Ferrer Llop, Josep (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Filadèlfia), 2000)
      Open Access
      The possible observability indices of an observable pair of matrices, when supplementary subpairs are prescribed, are characterized when the “quotient” one is nilpotent. The geometric techniques used are also valid in the ...
    • An example on Lyapunov stability and linearization 

      Munhoz Rodrigues, Hildebrando; Solà-Morales Rubió, Joan de (2020-01-01)
      Open Access
      The purpose of this paper is to present an example of a (in the Fréchet sense) discrete dynamical system in a infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space for which the origin is an exponentially asymptotically stable ...
    • An overview of Uniform Roe Algebras: Asymptotic Dimension and Real Rank 

      Vilalta Vila, Eduard (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-07)
      Master thesis
      Restricted access - author's decision
      Covenantee:   Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
      The aim of this master thesis is to study the relation between the real rank of uniform Roe algebras and the asymptotic dimension of the space with which they are defined. As a consequence of some recent results on the ...
    • Asymptotic study of canonical correlation analysis: from matrix and analytic approach to operator and tensor approach 

      Fine, Jeanne (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2003)
      Open Access
      Asymptotic study of canonical correlation analysis gives the opportunity to present the different steps of an asymptotic study and to show the interest of an operator and tensor approach of multidimensional asymptotic ...
    • Àlgebres d'operadors: un extraordinari llegat de von Neumann 

      Ara, Pere (2010-02-24)
      Open Access
      La teoria d'àlgebres d'operadors va ser desenvolupada per J. von Neumann en una sèrie d'articles al llarg de les dècades dels 30's i 40's del segle passat, alguns d'ells en col.laboració amb F.J. Murray. Les que avui en ...
    • Boundary regularity estimates for nonlocal elliptic equations in C1 and C1, domains 

      Ros-Oton, Xavier; Serra Montolí, Joaquim (2017-02-04)
      Open Access
      We establish sharp boundary regularity estimates in C1 and C1,a domains for nonlocal problems of the form Lu=f in O, u=0 in Oc. Here, L is a nonlocal elliptic operator of order 2s, with s¿(0,1). First, in C1,a domains we ...
    • Bounding Hilbert Space dimension from Temporal Correlations 

      Gallego López, Rodrigo (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-09-09)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      In this work, we tackle the problem of assessing the Hilbert space dimension from the set of correlations obtained when measuring in a nonlocal black box scheme. The concept of a dimension witness and its recent applications ...