Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • A class of population dynamics for reaching epsilon-equilibria : engineering applications 

      Obando, Germán; Barreiro Gómez, Julián; Quijano Silva, Nicanor (2016)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This document proposes a novel class of population dynamics that are parameterized by a nonnegative scalar . We show that any rest point of the proposed dynamics corresponds to an -equilibrium of the underlying population ...
    • Decentralized control for urban drainage systems using replicator dynamics 

      Obando, Germán; Quijano Silva, Nicanor; Ocampo-Martínez, Carlos (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022)
      Open Access
      This paper proposes a decentralized control scheme that mitigates floods in urban drainage systems (UDSs). First, we develop a partitioning algorithm of the UDS relying on a graph model of the system. Once this is done, ...
    • Decentralized control for urban drainage systems via population dynamics : Bogota case study 

      Barreiro Gómez, Julián; Obando, Germán; Riaño Briceño, Gerardo; Quijano Silva, Nicanor; Ocampo-Martínez, Carlos (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2015)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Control of Urban Drainage Systems (UDS) is studied for cases in which the distribution of run–off through the channels of a system is inefficient, i.e. when the capacity of some structures is not used optimally. In this ...
    • Distribución dinámica de recursos vía juegos poblacionales y modelos dinámicos de pago 

      Martínez Piazuelo, Juan Pablo; Obando, Germán; Quijano Silva, Nicanor; Ocampo-Martínez, Carlos (Universidade da Coruña. Servizo de Publicacións, 2022)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      Este artículo se centra en resaltar la basta utilidad de la teoría de juegos, en particular aquella basada en la vertiente dinámica evolutiva, dentro del modelado y control de sistemas dinámicos complejos y de gran escala. ...
    • Distributed population dynamics : optimization and control applications 

      Barreiro Gómez, Julián; Obando, Germán; Quijano Silva, Nicanor (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2017-02-01)
      Open Access
      Population dynamics have been widely used in the design of learning and control systems for networked engineering applications, where the information dependency among elements of the network has become a relevant issue. ...
    • Distributed population dynamics: Optimization and control applications 

      Barreiro Gómez, Julián; Obando, Germán; Quijano Silva, Nicanor (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2017)
      Open Access
      Population dynamics have been widely used in the design of learning and control systems for networked engineering applications, where the information dependency among elements of the network has become a relevant issue. ...
    • Evolutionary-games approach for distributed predictive control involving resource allocation 

      Barreiro Gómez, Julián; Obando, Germán; Ocampo-Martínez, Carlos; Quijano Silva, Nicanor (2019)
      Open Access
      This paper proposes a distributed model predictive control (DMPC) scheme based on population games for a system formed by a set of sub-systems. In addition to considering independent operational constraints for each ...
    • Making non-centralized a model predictive control scheme by using distributed Smith dynamics 

      Barreiro Gómez, Julián; Obando, Germán; Ocampo-Martínez, Carlos; Quijano Silva, Nicanor (2015)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This paper proposes a non--centralized Model Predictive Control (MPC) scheme for a system comprised by several sub-systems. Operational constraints for each subsystem are considered as well as a single coupled constraint ...
    • The role of population games and evolutionary dynamics in distributed control systems: the advantages of evolutionary game theory 

      Quijano Silva, Nicanor; Ocampo-Martínez, Carlos; Barreiro Gómez, Julián; Obando, Germán; Pantoja, Andres; Mojica Nava, Eduardo (2017-02-01)
      Open Access
      Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the control community in studying large-scale distributed systems. Several techniques have been developed to address the main challenges for these systems, such as the ...