Exploració per tema "Numerical analysis"
Ara es mostren els items 1-20 de 761
3D finite element computations for viscous aerodynamic flows around automobiles
Report de recerca
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3D numerical analysis of tunnelling effects on a multi-storey building: the case of Line 9 EPB tunnelling in Barcelona
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-06-21)
Projecte Final de Màster Oficial
Accés obertJuntament amb el desenvolupament de les infraestructures en zones urbanes, la necessitat de construcció de túnels augmenta. Aquestes excavacions subterrànies provoquen moviments en el terreny que poden estar associats amb ... -
3D numerical simulation of the load test on a masonry barrel arch bridge
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-07-26)
Projecte Final de Màster Oficial
Accés obertSimulate the test on a masonry barrel arch bridge that was developed at the Structural Technology Lab of the UPC. The arch was tested up to failure. Complete characterisation of the masonry, the infill, the loading and the ... -
3D printed scaled setup for smoke transport analysis in a subterranean passenger platform
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CIMNE, 2019)
Accés obertIn this work, the study of smoke fire transportation inside of a subway passenger platform is presented. The study includes a set of numerical simulations to observe the behavior of the smoke inside the platform. Two smoke ... -
A 4-node thin shell element based on co-rotational for laminated composite structures
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CIMNE, 2018)
Accés obertThe finite formulation of the 4-node thin shell element based on Co-rotational (CR) and Timoshenko's theory was presented for the analysis of laminated composite structures. Based on the Timoshenko's theory the present ... -
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the multidepot rural postman problem
Accés obertThis paper considers the Multidepot Rural Postman Problem, an extension of the classical Rural Postman Problem in which there are several depots instead of only one. The aim is to construct a minimum cost set of routes ... -
A C0 interior penalty Finite Element Method for flexoelectricity
Accés obertWe propose a C0 Interior Penalty Method (C0-IPM) for the computational modelling of flexoelectricity, with application also to strain gradient elasticity, as a simplified case. Standard high-order C0 finite element ... -
A Cellular Automata Model for Integrated Simulation of Land Use and Transport Interactions
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2021-03-08)
Accés obertCellular automata (CA) models have been used in urban studies for dealing with land use change. Transport and accessibility are arguably the main drivers of urban change and have a direct influence on land use. Land use ... -
A checkerboard-free symmetry-preserving conservative method for magnetohydrodynamic flows
(Institute of Physics (IOP), 2024)
Text en actes de congrés
Accés obertSimulating MHD flows at high Hartmann numbers and low magnetic Reynolds numbers is of high interest for the design of a nuclear fusion breeding blanket, for which high accuracy and conservation of physical properties are ... -
A combined methodology for transportation planning assessment: application to a case study
Accés obertTraffic assignment models based on the user-equilibrium approach are one of the most widely used tools in transportation planning analysis. Resulting offer a static average view of the expected use of the road infrastructure ... -
A comparative study of two compact finite difference methods: standard vs. mimetic
(Sociedad Venezolana de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, 2014)
Text en actes de congrés
Accés restringit per política de l'editorialIn this work, we implement two fourth-order compact finite differences (CFD) methods and use them to model wave propagation on a elastic string. The formulation of the first method employs the standard implicit CFD constructed ... -
A direct elimination algorithm for quasi-static and dynamic contact problems
Accés obertThis paper deals with the computational modeling and numerical simulation of contact problems at Unite deformations using the Finite element method. Quasi-static and dynamic problems are considered and two particular ... -
A factorization-based algorithm to predict EMG data using only kinematics information
Accés obertEMG analyses have several applications, such as identifying muscle excitation patterns during rehabilitation or training plans, or controlling EMG-driven devices. However, experimental measurements can be time consuming ... -
A FIC-FEM procedure for the shallow water equations over partially wet domains
Accés obertWe present a stable finite element formulation for the shallow water equations using the finite increment calculus (FIC) procedure. This research is focused on the stability properties of the FIC technique and uses linear ... -
A finite point method to solve shallow water equations
Report de recerca
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A flux-free a posteriori error estimator for the incompressible Stokes problem using a mixed FE formulation
Accés obertIn this contribution, we present an a posteriori error estimator for the incompressible Stokes problem valid for a conventional mixed FE formulation. Due to the saddle-point property of the problem, conventional error ... -
A geometric description of Discrete Exterior Calculus for general triangulations
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CIMNE, 2019)
Accés obertWe revisit the theory of Discrete Exterior Calculus (DEC) in 2D for general triangulations, relying only on Vector Calculus and Matrix Algebra. We present DEC numerical solutions of the Poisson equation and compare them ... -
A influência do peso próprio na otimização topológica de estruturas elásticas 2D – via técnica numérica Smooth Evolutionary Structural Optimization (SESO)
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CIMNE, 2014)
Accés obertO presente artigo aborda a otimização topológica em problemas de elasticidade plana linear considerando a influência do peso próprio nos esforços em elementos estruturais. Utiliza‐se para este fim uma técnica numérica ... -
A Lagrangian–Eulerian procedure for the coupled solution of the Navier–Stokes and shallow water equations for landslide-generated waves
(Springer, 2022-07-30)
Accés obertThis work presents a partitioned method for landslide-generated wave events. The proposed strategy combines a Lagrangian Navier Stokes multi-fluid solver with an Eulerian method based on the Boussinesq shallow water ... -
A meshless finite point method for three-dimensional analysis of compressible flow problems involving moving boundaries and adaptivity
Accés obertA finite point method for solving compressible flow problems involving moving boundaries and adaptivity is presented. The numerical methodology is based on an upwind-biased discretization of the Euler equations, written ...