Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Optimization strategies for geophysics models on manycore systems 

      Serpa, Matheus S.; Cruz, Eduardo HM; Diener, Matthias; Krause, Arthur M.; Navaux, Philippe; Panetta, Jairo; Farrés Coma, Albert; Rosas, Claudia; Hanzich, Mauricio (2019-01-17)
      Open Access
      Many software mechanisms for geophysics exploration in oil and gas industries are based on wave propagation simulation. To perform such simulations, state-of-the-art high-performance computing architectures are employed, ...
    • Performance Evaluation of Multiple Cloud Data Centers Allocations for HPC 

      Roloff, Eduardo; Carreño, Emmanuell D.; Valverde-Sanchez, Jimmy K.M.; Diener, Matthias; Serpa, Matheus da Silva; Houzeaux, Guillaume; Schnorr, Lucas M.; Maillard, Nicolas; Gaspary, Luciano P.; Navaux, Philippe (Springer International Publishing, 2017-04-29)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      This paper evaluates the behavior of the Microsoft Azure G5 cloud instance type over multiple Data Centers. The purpose is to identify if there are major differences between them and to help the users choose the best option ...
    • Radiation-Induced Error Criticality in Modern HPC Parallel Accelerators 

      Oliveira, Daniel; Pilla, Laercio; Hanzich, Mauricio; Fratin, Vinicius; Fernandes, Fernando; Lunardi, Caio; Cela, Jose M.; Navaux, Philippe; Carro, Luigi; Rech, Paolo (2016-03)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      In this paper, we evaluate the error criticality of radiation-induced errors on modern High-Performance Computing (HPC) accelerators (Intel Xeon Phi and NVIDIA K40) through a dedicated set of metrics. We show that, as long ...