Now showing items 1-20 of 219

    • 152. La UPC clama contra la guerra 

      Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Rectorat (Servei de Comunicació Institucional, 2003-04)
      Open Access
    • 247. Descobrir el misteri gaudinià 

      Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Rectorat (Oficina de Mitjans de Comunicació, 2011)
      Open Access
    • 251. Tecnologia puntera, via al progrés 

      Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Rectorat (Oficina de Mitjans de Comunicació, 2012-04)
      Open Access
    • 2nd International Conference on Peptide Materials for Biomedicine and Nanotechnology : PepMat 2016, Barcelona, 14-16 March 2016 : book of abstracts 

      Alemán Llansó, Carlos; Bertran Cànovas, Òscar; Valle Mendoza, Luis Javier del; Mas Moruno, Carlos; Mayans Tayadella, Enric; Pérez Madrigal, Maria del Mar; Puiggalí Jou, Anna; Torras Costa, Juan; Triguero Enguídanos, Jordi; Zanuy Gomara, David (2016)
      Conference report
      Open Access
    • (3)CAT-2: attitude determination and control system for a GNSS-R earth observation 6U CubeSat mission 

      Cortiella, Alexandre; Vidal Mateu, David; Jané Abad, Jaume; Juan, Enric; Olivé, Roger; Amézaga Sarries, Adrià; Francesc Muñoz, Joan; Carreño Luengo, Hugo; Camps Carmona, Adriano José (2016)
      Open Access
      This work describes the attitude determination and control system ( ADCS) of 3 CAT-2, a six-unit CubeSat scheduled for launch this 2016. The ADCS of 3CAT-2 aims at controlling the satellite in orbit and fulfilling the ...
    • 3Cat-1 project: a multi-payload CubeSat for scientific experiments and technology demonstrators 

      Jové Casulleras, Roger; Araguz López, Carles; Via Ortega, Pol; Solanellas Bofarull, Arnau; Amézaga Sarries, Adrià; Vidal Mateu, David; Muñoz Martin, Joan Francesc; Marí Barceló, Marc; Olivé Muñiz, Roger; Sáez Hernández, Alberto; Jané Abad, Jaume; Bou Balust, Elisenda; Iannazzo Soteras, Mario Enrique; Gorreta Mariné, Sergio; Ortega Villasclaras, Pablo Rafael; Pons Nin, Joan; Domínguez Pumar, Manuel; Alarcón Cot, Eduardo José; Ramos Castro, Juan José; Camps Carmona, Adriano José (2017)
      Open Access
      This article introduces 3 Cat-1, the first project of the Technical University of Catalonia to build and launch a nano-satellite. Its main scope is to develop, construct, assemble, test and launch into a low Earth orbit a ...
    • 4-Mercaptophenyldiphenylphosphine as linker to immobilize Pd onto the surface of magnetite nanoparticles. Excellent catalytic efficiency of the system after partial linker removal 

      Guarnizo, A; Angurell Purroy, Inmaculada; Rosell, Monica; Llorca Piqué, Jordi; Müller Jevenois, Guillermo; Seco, M; Rossell Alfonso, Josep Oriol (2015-10-27)
      Open Access
      This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry. The molecule 4-mercaptophenyldiphenylphosphine (Sdp) has been synthesized for use as a linker to immobilize Pd nanoparticles onto the surface of magnetite nanoparticles. ...
    • A CubeSAT payload for in-situ monitoring of pentacene degradation due to atomic oxygen etching in LEO 

      Gorreta Mariné, Sergio; Pons Nin, Joan; López Rodríguez, Gema; Figueras, Eduard; Jové Casulleras, Roger; Araguz López, Carles; Via Ortega, Pol; Camps Carmona, Adriano José; Domínguez Pumar, Manuel (2016-09-01)
      Open Access
      This paper reports and discusses the design and ground tests of a CubeSat payload which allows to measure, in-situ and in real time, the degradation of a polymer of electronic interest due to atomic oxygen etching in LEO. ...
    • A general approach to fabricate fe3O4 nanoparticles decorated with Pd, Au, and Rh: Magnetically recoverable and reusable catalysts for Suzuki C-C cross-coupling reactions, hydrogenation, and sequential reactions 

      Gonzàlez de Rivera, Ferran; Angurell Purroy, Inmaculada; Rossell Abrodos, Marta-Dacil; Erni, Rolf P.; Llorca Piqué, Jordi; Jiménez Divins, Nuria; Müller Jevenois, Guillermo; Seco García, Miquel Angel; Rossell Alfonso, Josep Oriol (2013-09-02)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      A facile strategy has been explored for loading noble metals onto the surface of ferrite nanoparticles with the assistance of phosphine-functionalized linkers. Palladium loading is shown to occur with participation of both ...
    • A nanonetwork architecture using flagellated bacteria and catalytic nanomotors 

      Gregori Casas, Maria (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-07-29)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
      Molecular communication has been recently proposed for interconnected nano-scale devices as an alternative to classical communication paradigms such as electro-magnetic waves, acoustic or optical communication. In this ...
    • A Pd/Al2O3-based micro-reformer unit fully integrated in silicon technology for H-rich gas production 

      Bianchini, Marco; Alayo, Nerea; Soler Turu, Lluís; Salleras, M.; Fonseca Chácharo, Luis; Llorca Piqué, Jordi; Tarancón Rubio, Albert (Institute of Physics (IOP), 2019-11-01)
      Open Access
      This work reports the design, manufacturing and catalytic activity characterization of a micro-reformer for hydrogen-rich gas generation integrated in portable-solid oxide fuel cells (µ-SOFCs). The reformer has been designed ...
    • A survey on modulation techniques in molecular communication via diffusion 

      Kuran, Mehmet Sükrü; Yilmaz, Hüseyin Birkan; Demirkol, Ilker Seyfettin; Farsad, Nariman; Goldsmith, Andrea (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020-12-31)
      Open Access
      This survey paper focuses on modulation aspects of molecular communication, an emerging field focused on building biologically-inspired systems that embed data within chemical signals. The primary challenges in designing ...
    • Acceleration of the measurement time of thermopiles using sigma-delta control 

      Domínguez Pumar, Manuel; perez, eduard; Ramon, Marina; Jiménez Serres, Vicente; Bermejo Broto, Sandra; Pons Nin, Joan (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2019-07-18)
      Open Access
      This work presents a double sliding mode control designed for accelerating the measurement of heat fluxes using thermopiles. The slow transient response generated in the thermopile, when it is placed in contact with the ...
    • Al2O3/TiO2 inverse opals from electrosprayed self-assembled templates 

      Coll, Arnau; Bermejo Broto, Sandra; Hernández, David; Castañer Muñoz, Luis María (2018-01-19)
      Open Access
      The fabrication of high optical quality inverse opals is challenging, requiring large size, three-dimensional ordered layers of high dielectric constant ratio. In this article, alumina/TiO2–air inverse opals with a 98.2% ...
    • An accurate and Verilog-A compatible compact model for graphene field-effect transistors 

      Landauer, Gerhard Martin; González Jiménez, José Luis; Jiménez Jiménez, David (2014-06-04)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The present paper provides an accurate drift-diffusion model of the graphene field-effect transistor (GFET). A precise yet mathematically simple current-voltage relation is derived by focusing on device physics at energy ...
    • Angular Radiation Patterns of Nanoantennas: an Optical Yagi-Uda Antenna 

      González Curto, Alberto (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-09-09)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      We address experimentally the radiation patterns of quantum dots coupled to optical nanoantennas at speci c positions. We show that the emission of the coupled system is determined by a variety of resonant and non-resonant ...
    • Aplicaciones aeronáuticas de nanomateriales 

      Marqués Ercilla, Miguel (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007-07-21)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Restricted access - author's decision
      En este proyecto se pretende dar una visión general sobre la importancia que puede tener la introducción de los nanomateriales dentro de la industria aeronáutica. Además, se presentan los nanomateriales que pueden ...
    • Aplicaciones de la nanotecnología en la industria alimentaria 

      Sohail Soussi, Najib (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-10-17)
      Bachelor thesis
      Restricted access - author's decision
      It has long been noted that the properties of the materials could be manipulated at very small scales. The emergence of nanotechnology has been one way to study and manipulate the properties of matter on a nanometer scale ...
    • Aplicaciones de la nanotecnología en los materiales de la construcción 

      Tsotsis, Georgios (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2018-07-27)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      El presente trabajo se enfoca en el análisis de las aplicaciones de la nanotecnología en el sector de la construcción. Se trata principalmente de recopilar y analizar los casos en los que actualmente se aplica la ...
    • Application of molecular simulation techniques to the design of nanosystems 

      Rodríguez Ropero, Francisco (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-12-14)
      Doctoral thesis
      Open Access
      Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary branch of science and technology that involves a widerange of different fields such as chemistry, materials science, physics or chemical engineeringwhose goal is the production of new ...