Browsing by Subject "Multivariate analysis"
Now showing items 1-20 of 256
A Bayesian approach to cluster analysis
(Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona. Centre de Càlcul, 1988)
Open AccessA general probabilistic model for describing the structure of statistical problems known under the generic name of cluster analysis, based on finite mixtures of distributions, is proposed. We analyse the theoretical and ... -
A comparative study of microaggregation methods
(Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 1998)
Open AccessMicroaggregation is a statistical disclosure control technique for microdata. Raw microdata (i.e. individual records) are grouped into small aggregates prior to publication. Each aggregate should contain at least k records ... -
A data mining approach to identify cognitive NeuroRehabilitation Range in Traumatic Brain Injury patients
Restricted access - publisher's policyCognitive rehabilitation (CR) treatment consists of hierarchically organized tasks that require repetitive use of impaired cognitive functions in a progressively more demanding sequence. Active monitoring of the progress ... -
A data science approach for spatiotemporal modelling of low and resident air pollution in Madrid (Spain): implications for epidemiological studies
Open AccessModel developments to assess different air pollution exposures within cities are still a key challenge in environmental epidemiology. Background air pollution is a long-term resident and low-level concentration pollution ... -
A genome-wide association study of cattle feed efficiency
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya / Universitat de Barcelona, 2020-10)
Master thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionThe goal of this project is to study the relationship between the genotype (SNPs) and phenotype (feed efficiency, FE) of a cow population of size n = 608. In order to achieve this goal, a descriptive analysis of the genetic ... -
A model for credit scoring: an application of discriminant analysis
(Institut d'estadística de Catalunya, 1994)
Open AccessThe application of statistical techniques in decision making, and more specifically for classification requirements, has proved to be adequate in the context of financial problems. In this study, we present the methodology ... -
A preliminary taxonomy and a standard knowledge base for mental-health system indicators in Spain
Open Access -
A recursion formula for expected negative and positive powers of the central Wishart distribution
(Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2007)
Open AccessWe use Haff’s fundamental identity to express the expectation of Sp in lower-order terms, where S follows the central Wishart distribution. -
A review of canonical coordinates and an alternative to correspondence analysis using Hellinger distance
(Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 1995)
Open AccessIn this paper a general theory of canonical coordinates is developed for reduction of dimensionality in multivariate data, assessing the loss of information and plotting higher dimensional data in two or three dimensions ... -
A simple statistic to test generalized palindromic symmetry model in a 4 x 4 contingency table
(Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 1993)
Open AccessFor a 4x4 contingency table, this note gives a simple statistic to test the goodness-of-fit of the generalized palindromic symmetry (GPS) model considered by McCullagh (1978). Also an asymptotic confidence interval for a ... -
About one problem of Bernoulli and Euler from the theory of statistical estimation.
(Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2006)
Open AccessWe consider some results by D. Bernoulli and L. Euler on the method of maximum likelihood in parametric estimation. The statistical analysis is made by considering a parametric family with a shift parameter. -
Advanced clustering techniques for customer segmentation in cultural industries
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-01-25)
Master thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreementThe main goal of this thesis is to apply advanced intelligent segmentation techniques into a real case study from the cultural industries in Catalonia to successfully differentiate between types of customers by applying ... -
Advancing single cell RNASeq analysis: A probabilistic model for effective estimation and identification of cell types
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-05-31)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
Covenantee: Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyLa seqüenciació d’RNA de cèl·lules aïllades (scRNA-seq) és un àmbit de recerca crucial per a la comprensió de la diversitat cel·lular, amb grans implicacions per a la recerca en biomedicina. Entendre la informació dispersa, ... -
Advantages of combining AI and statistic for knowledge discovery on functional disability: multivariate analysis of assessment scales using clustering based on rules
Open AccessIn Europe, and other developed areas, senior citizens are a fast growing part of population. This increases proportion of disabled persons and proportion of persons with reduced quality of life. The concept of disability ... -
Algoritme EpiFRIenDs: Recerca de punts calents de malària
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-01)
Master thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreementEn aquesta tesi s’ha desenvolupat un algoritme anomenat ”Epidemiological Foci Relating Infections by Distance”(EpiFRIenDs) orientat a la detecció punts calents (hotspots) de malària a partir d’unes dades geolocalitzades ... -
Algoritmos de clustering basados en el concepto de líder
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-06-23)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessEl objetivo principal de este proyecto final de carrera, que lleva por nombre “Algoritmos de clustering basados en el concepto de Líder”, consiste en obtener diferentes versiones de algoritmos de clustering modificando ... -
Algunos aspectos acerca de la construcción de distribuciones multivariantes con marginales dadas
(Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona. Centre de Càlcul, 1985-09)
Open AccessEste trabajo discute el problema de la construcción de distribuciones multivariantes donde las distribuciones marginales han sido fijadas. Se estudian dos casos. En el primer caso se analiza la construcción y propiedades ... -
Alternate-wrapped circular distributions
(Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2022-12-20)
Open AccessTo generate a circular distribution, we use the alternate-wrapping technique (unlike the usual wrapping), by wrapping in the alternate directions, after each single-wrapping. The resulting distribution is called alternate-wrapped ... -
An Algorithm for k-Anonymous Microaggregation and Clustering Inspired by the Design of Distortion-Optimized Quantizers
(Elsevier Science Ltd., 2011)
Restricted access - publisher's policyWe present a multidisciplinary solution to the problems of anonymous microaggregation and clustering, illustrated with two applications, namely privacy protection in databases, and private retrieval of location-based ... -
An application of the isometric log-ratio transformation in relatedness research
(Springer, 2016)
Part of book or chapter of book
Restricted access - publisher's policyAbstract Genetic marker data contains information on the degree of relatedness of a pair of individuals. Relatedness investigations are usually based on the extent to which alleles of a pair of individuals match over a set ...