Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • High-density surface electromyography signals during isometric contractions of elbow muscles of healthy humans 

      Rojas Martínez, Mónica; Serna Higuita, Leidy Yanet; Jordanic, Mislav; Marateb, Hamid Reza; Merletti, R.; Mañanas Villanueva, Miguel Ángel (Nature, 2020-12)
      Open Access
      This paper presents a dataset of high-density surface EMG signals (HD-sEMG) designed to study patterns of sEMG spatial distribution over upper limb muscles during voluntary isometric contractions. Twelve healthy subjects ...
    • Identification of isometric contractions based on High Density EMG maps 

      Rojas Martínez, Mónica; Mañanas Villanueva, Miguel Ángel; Alonso López, Joan Francesc; Merletti, R. (2012-07)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Identification of motion intention and muscle activation strategy is necessary to control human–machine interfaces like prostheses or orthoses, as well as other rehabilitation devices, games and computer-based training ...
    • Outlier detection in high-density surface electromyographic signals 

      Marateb, Hamid Reza; Rojas Martínez, Mónica; Mansourian Gharakozlou, Marjan; Merletti, R.; Mañanas Villanueva, Miguel Ángel (2012-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Recently developed techniques allow the analysis of surface EMG in multiple locations over the skin surface (high-density surface electromyography, HDsEMG). The detected signal includes information from a greater ...
    • Robust outlier detection in high density surface electromyographic signals 

      Marateb, Hamid Reza; Rojas Martínez, Mónica; Mañanas Villanueva, Miguel Ángel; Merletti, R. (2010)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      High Density surface Electromyography (HDsEMG) has been applied in both research and clinical applications for non-invasive neuromuscular assessment in several different fields using 2-D array. Proper interpretation of ...