Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Study and development of a damage subroutine for progressive failure analysis of composite materials 

      Valhondo Pascual, Valentín (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014-06)
      Bachelor thesis
      Restricted access - author's decision
      Composite materials are increasingly used nowadays in the most advanced sectors of technology. So, it is important that designers have a powerful tool to simulate composite structures. Available simulation tools in commercial ...
    • Study of composite optimization for aircraft application 

      Brachtäuser Balcells, Savina (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-06-19)
      Bachelor thesis
      Restricted access - author's decision
      The aim of this study is to get familiarised with the latest numerical simulation techniques for laminated composite materials with the purpose of optimizing these materials applied to a structural element of an aircraft.
    • Study of stud shear connectors behaviour in composite beams with profiled steel sheeting 

      Bonilla, Jorge; Bezerra, Luciano M.; Larrúa Quevedo, Rafael; Recarey Morfa, Carlos Alexander; Mirambell Arrizabalaga, Enrique (2015-12)
      Open Access
      This work presents an FE study concerning the prediction of the shear resistance of headed stud connectors in composite beams with profiled steel sheeting subjected to static load. To confirm the FE simulation for the ...