Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • SP2 - Test, Reliability and Functional Safety Trends for Automotive System-on-Chip 

      Angione, F.; Appello, D.; Aribido, J.; Athavale, J.; Bellarmino, N.; Bernardi, P.; Cantoro, R.; De Sio, C.; Foscale, T.; Gavarini, G.; Guerrero, J.; Huch, M.; Iaria, G.; Kilian, T.; Mariani, R.; Martone, R.; Ruospo, A.; Sanchez, E.; Schlichtmann, U.; Squillero, G.; Sonza Reorda, M.; Sterpone, L.; Tancorre, V.; Ugioli, R. (2022-05)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper encompasses three contributions by industry professionals and university researchers. The contributions describe different trends in automotive products, including both manufacturing test and run-time reliability ...
    • SyRA: early system reliability analysis for cross-layer soft errors resilience in memory arrays of microprocessor systems 

      Vallero, Alessandro; Savino, Alessandro; Chatzidimitriou, Athanansios; Kaliorakis, Manolis; Kooli, Maha; Riera Villanueva, Marc; Di Natale, Giorgio; Bosio, Alberto; Canal Corretger, Ramon; Gizopoulos, Dimitris; Di Carlo, Stefano; Anglada Sanchez , Martí; González Colás, Antonio María; Mariani, R. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2018-01-01)
      Open Access
      Cross-layer reliability is becoming the preferred solution when reliability is a concern in the design of a microprocessor-based system. Nevertheless, deciding how to distribute the error management across the different ...