Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • A master equation for force distributions in polydisperse frictional particles 

      Saitoh, Kuniyasu; Magnanimo, Vanessa; Luding, Stefan (CIMNE, 2015)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      An incremental evolution equation, i.e. a Master equation in statistical mechanics, is introduced for force distributions in polydisperse frictional particle packings. As basic ingredients of the Master equation, the ...
    • Mercury DPM: fast, flexible particle simulations in complex geometries part II: applications 

      Weinhart, Thomas; Tunuguntla, Deepak R.; van Schrojenstein Lantman, Marnix P; Windows-Yule, Christopher R; Polman, Harmen; Tsang, Jonathan M F; Jin, Binbin; Orefice, Luca; van der Vaart, Kasper; Roy, Sudeshna; Shi, Hao; Pagano, Arianna; den Breeijen, Wouter; Scheper, Bert J.; Jarray, Ahmed; Luding, Stefan; Thornton, Anthony R; Denissen, Irana FC (CIMNE, 2017)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      MercuryDPM is a particle-simulation software developed open-source by a global network of researchers. It was designed ​ab initio to simulate realistic geometries and materials, thus it contains several unique features ...