Now showing items 1-20 of 41

    • A systematic construction of Gaussian basis sets for the description of laser field ionization and high-harmonic generation 

      Woźniak, Aleksander; Lesiuk, Michal; Przybytek, Michal; Efimov, Dmitry K.; Prauzner-Bechcicki, Jakub S.; Mandrysz, Michal; Ciappina, Marcelo; Pisanty, Emilio; Zakrzewski, Jakub; Lewenstein, Maciej; Moszyński, Robert (AIP, 2021-03-02)
      Open Access
      A precise understanding of mechanisms governing the dynamics of electrons in atoms and molecules subjected to intense laser fields has a key importance for the description of attosecond processes such as the high-harmonic ...
    • Analog simulation of high-harmonic generation in atoms 

      Argüello Luengo, Javier; Rivera Deán, Javier; Stammer, Philipp Maximilian; Maxwell, Andrew; Weld, David M.; Ciappina, Marcelo Fabian; Lewenstein, Maciej (2024-02-20)
      Open Access
      The demanding experimental access to the ultrafast dynamics of materials challenges our understanding of their electronic response to applied strong laser fields. For this purpose, trapped ultracold atoms with highly ...
    • Anderson cross-localization 

      Stützer, Simon; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Vysloukh, Victor A.; Tünnermann, A.; Nolte, Stefan; Lewenstein, Maciej; Torner Sabata, Lluís; Szameit, Alexander (2012)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      We report Anderson localization in two-dimensional optical waveguide arrays with disorder in waveguide separation introduced along one axis of the array, in an uncorrelated fashion for each waveguide row. We show that the ...
    • Beyond-Luttinger-liquid thermodynamics of a one-dimensional Bose gas with repulsive contact interactions 

      Rosi, Giulia de; Massignan, Pietro Alberto; Lewenstein, Maciej; Astrakharchik, Grigori (American Physical Society, 2019-11-07)
      Open Access
      We present a thorough study of the thermodynamics of a one-dimensional repulsive Bose gas, focusing in particular on corrections beyond the Luttinger-liquid description. We compute the chemical potential, pressure, and ...
    • Bose polarons at finite temperature and strong coupling 

      Guenther, Nils Eric; Massignan, Pietro Alberto; Lewenstein, Maciej; Bruun, Georg (2018-02-01)
      Open Access
      A mobile impurity coupled to a weakly interacting Bose gas, a Bose polaron, displays several interesting effects. While a single attractive quasiparticle is known to exist at zero temperature, we show here that the spectrum ...
    • Bounds on the capacity and power of quantum batteries 

      Julià Farré, Sergi; Salamon, Tymoteusz Piotr; Riera Graells, Arnau; Bera, Manabendra Nath; Lewenstein, Maciej (American Physical Society, 2020-05-01)
      Open Access
      Quantum batteries, composed of quantum cells, are expected to outperform their classical analogs. The origin of such advantages lies in the role of quantum correlations, which may arise during the charging and ...
    • Bulk detection of time-dependent topological transitions in quenched chiral models 

      D'Errico, Alessio; Barboza, Raouf; Dauphin, Alexandre; Lewenstein, Maciej; Massignan, Pietro Alberto; Marrucci, Lorenzo; Cardano, Filippo; Di Colandrea, Francesco (American Physical Society, 2020-05)
      Open Access
      The topology of one-dimensional chiral systems is captured by the winding number of the Hamiltonian eigenstates. Here we show that this invariant can be read out by measuring the mean chiral displacement of a single-particle ...
    • Carrier-Wave Rabi-Flopping Signatures in High-Order Harmonic Generation for Alkali Atoms 

      Ciappina, M. F; Pérez-Hernández, J. A.; Landsman, A. S.; Zimmermann, T.; Lewenstein, Maciej; Roso, L.; Krausz, F. (APS Physics, 2015-04-08)
      Open Access
      We present a theoretical investigation of carrier-wave Rabi flopping in real atoms by employing numerical simulations of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) in alkali species. Given the short HHG cutoff, related to the ...
    • Competing order in two-band Bose-Hubbard chains with extended-range interactions 

      Watanabe, Yuma; Bhattacharya, Utso; Chhajlany, Ravindra W.; Argüello Luengo, Javier; Lewenstein, Maciej; Grass, Tobias Daniel (American Physical Society (APS), 2024-03)
      Open Access
      Motivated by the recent progress in realizing and controlling extended Bose-Hubbard systems using excitonic or atomic devices, the present Letter theoretically investigates the case of a two-band Bose-Hubbard chain with ...
    • Detection of Zak phases and topological invariants in a chiral quantum walk of twisted photons 

      Cardano, Filippo; D'Errico, Alessio; Dauphin, Alexandre; Maffei, Maria; Piccirillo, Bruno; de Lisio, Corrado; de Filippis, Guido; Cataudella, Vittorio; Santamato, Enrico; Marrucci, Lorenzo; Lewenstein, Maciej; Massignan, Pietro Alberto (2017)
      Open Access
      Topological insulators are fascinating states of matter exhibiting protected edge states and robust quantized features in their bulk. Here we propose and validate experimentally a method to detect topological properties ...
    • Double-electron ionization driven by inhomogeneous fields 

      Chacón, A.; Ortmann, L.; Cucchietti, Fernando; Suárez, N.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Ciappina, M.F.; Landsman, A.S.; Lewenstein, Maciej (Springer International Publishing, 2017-04)
      Open Access
      Electron–electron correlation effects play a crucial role in our understanding of sequential (SDI) and non-sequential double ionization (NSDI) mechanisms. Here, we present a theoretical study of NSDI driven by plasmonic-enhanced ...
    • Eigenstate thermalization and its breakdown in quantum spin chains with inhomogeneous interactions 

      Wang, Ding-Zu; Zhu, Hao; Cui, Jian; Argüello Luengo, Javier; Lewenstein, Maciej; Zhang, Guo-Feng; Sierant, Piotr; Ran, Shi-Ju (American Physical Society (APS), 2024-01-15)
      Open Access
      The eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) is a successful theory that establishes the criteria for ergodicity and thermalization in isolated quantum many-body systems. In this work, we investigate the thermalization ...
    • Generation of optical Schrödinger cat states in intense laser-matter interactions 

      Lewenstein, Maciej; Ciappina, M. F.; Pisanty, E.; Rivera-Dean, J.; Stammer, P.; Lamprou, Th.; Tzallas, P. (Springer Nature, 2021-08-21)
      Open Access
      The physics of intense laser–matter interactions1,2 is described by treating the light pulses classically, anticipating no need to access optical measurements beyond the classical limit. However, the quantum nature of the ...
    • High-order harmonic generation driven by plasmonic fields: a new route towards the generation of UV and XUV photons? 

      Ciappina, M. F.; Pérez-Hernández, J. A.; Roso, L.; Zaïr, A.; Lewenstein, Maciej (IOP, 2015-04-16)
      Open Access
      We present theoretical investigations of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) resulting from the interaction of noble gases with different kind of temporally and spatially synthesized laser fields. These fields, based on ...
    • Knotting fractional-order knots with the polarization state of light 

      Pisanty, Emilio; Machado, Gerard J.; Vicuña-Hernández, Verónica; Picón, Antonio; Celi, Alessio; Pérez Torres, Juan; Lewenstein, Maciej (Nature, 2019-06-10)
      Open Access
      The fundamental polarization singularities of monochromatic light are normally associated with invariance under coordinated rotations: symmetry operations that rotate the spatial dependence of an electromagnetic field by ...
    • Knotting fractional-order knots with the polarization state of light 

      Pisanty, Emilio; Jiménez Machado, Gerard; Vicuña Hernández, Verónica; Picón, Antonio; Celi, Alessio; Pérez Torres, Juan; Lewenstein, Maciej (2019-08-01)
      Open Access
      The fundamental polarization singularities of monochromatic light are normally associated with invariance under coordinated rotations: symmetry operations that rotate the spatial dependence of an electromagnetic field by ...
    • Linking topological features of the Hofstadter model to optical diffraction figures 

      Di Colandrea, Francesco; D'Errico, Alessio; Maffei, Maria; Price, Hannah M; Lewenstein, Maciej; Marrucci, Lorenzo; Cardano, Filippo; Dauphin, Alexandre; Massignan, Pietro Alberto (2022-01-01)
      Open Access
      In two, three and even four spatial dimensions, the transverse responses experienced by a charged particle on a lattice in a uniform magnetic field are fully controlled by topological invariants called Chern numbers, which ...
    • Measuring Chern numbers in Hofstadter strips 

      Mugel, Samuel; Dauphin, Alexandre; Massignan, Pietro Alberto; Tarruell, Leticia; Lewenstein, Maciej; Lobo, Carlos; Celi, Alessio (2017-08-15)
      Open Access
      Topologically non-trivial Hamiltonians with periodic boundary conditions are characterized by strictly quantized invariants. Open questions and fundamental challenges concern their existence, and the possibility of measuring ...
    • Nanoscale phase separation and pseudogap in the hole-doped cuprates from fluctuating Cu-O-Cu bonds 

      Dauphin, Alexandre; Wall, Simon; Julià Farré, Sergi; Lewenstein, Maciej; Grzybowski, Przemyslaw R; Chhajlany, Ravindra; Grochowski, Piotr (2020-03-10)
      Open Access
      The pseudogap phenomenology is one of the enigmas of the physics of high-Tc superconductors. Many members of the cuprate family have now been experimentally characterized with high resolution in both real and momentum ...
    • Non-standard Hubbard models in optical lattices: a review 

      Dutta, Omjyoti; Gajda, Mariusz; Lewenstein, Maciej; Lühmann, Dirk-Sören; Malomed, Boris A.; Sowiński, Tomasz; Zakrzewski, Jakub (IOP, 2015-05-28)
      Open Access
      Originally, the Hubbard model was derived for describing the behavior of strongly correlated electrons in solids. However, for over a decade now, variations of it have also routinely been implemented with ultracold atoms ...