Browsing by Subject "Joints"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
A joint model for 2D and 3D pose estimation from a single image
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyWe introduce a novel approach to automatically recover 3D human pose from a single image. Most previous work follows a pipelined approach: initially, a set of 2D features such as edges, joints or silhouettes are detected ... -
An experimental and numerical investigation on fatigue of composite and metal aircraft structures
Open AccessThe static strength and fatigue crack resistance of the aircraft skin structures depend on the materials used and joint type. Most of the commercial aircraft’s skin panel structures are made from aluminium alloy and carbon ... -
Analysis of back-propagation and RF pilot-tone based nonlinearity compensation for a 9x224Gb/s POLMUX-16QAM system
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyWe investigate the joint implementation of back-propagation and RF-pilot tone for fiber nonlinear compensation in POLMUX-16QAM and show that the nonlinear tolerance is drastically improved when compared to OFDM system -
Anàlisi i tractament termogràfic de les articulacions
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2011)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessEl present projecte tractarà d'estudiar i analitzar articulacions del cos humà i establir una relació entre la pràctica de l'esport i l'estat de la salut de les persones. -
Experimental study of concrete slab–base interaction for a seamless bridge–CRCP system
(American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2023-06)
Open AccessConventional bridge systems make use of expansion joints to accommodate movements caused primarily by thermal changes. These joints may accelerate the deterioration of bridge elements and often require significant maintenance ... -
Experimental testing of joints for seismic design of lightweight structures: part 1: screwed joints in straps
Open AccessConnections in x-braced shear walls play a crucial role in the seismic performance of lightweight structures: they should be strong enough to allow energy dissipation via plastification of the diagonal straps. An extensive ... -
Experimental testing of joints for seismic design of lightweight structures: part 2: bolted joints in straps
Open AccessAn experimental testing campaign on tensile bolted joints between straps is reported. Two dominant failure modes are identified: (1) tilting, bearing and tearing of the sheets (TS) and (2) tilting, bearing and net-section ... -
Inflammation evaluation through low-cost 3D scanning of human body parts
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-01-28)
Bachelor thesis
Open Access[CATALÀ] S'ha creat un programa que permet carregar models 3D adquirits a partir d'articulacions reals. Utilitzant diferents tècniques com l'alineació de models, la comparació visual i el càlcul de diferents mesures l'eina ... -
Joints in concrete construtions: study and analysis of characteristics of joints in exposed concrete: the case of contemporary buildings in Barcelona
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-07-07)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessJoints play a crucial role in both the design and the materialization of concrete construction and in its subsequent service and durability. Especially when it comes to exposed concrete, their appearances might affect the ... -
Mejora de la resistencia al desgaste de titanio y sus aleaciones utilizados para prótesis articulares
(Sociedad Ibérica de Biomecánica y Biomateriales, 2002-12)
Open AccessSe han estudiado los endurecimientos superficiales que se producen en la aleación Ti 6Al 4V, mediante los procesos de anodización electroquímica y mediante diferentes tratamientos térmicos a distintas microestructuras ... -
Método de análisis biomecánico de la marcha en pacientes portadores de prótesis de rodilla
(Sociedad Ibérica de Biomecánica y Biomateriales, 1994)
Open AccessEl análisis de la marcha ha adquirido en los últimos tiempos un extraordinario desarrollo. En la actualidad la ciencia biomecánica ofrece un gran campo de actuación para el estudio de la patología de la deambulación, ... -
Numerical modeling of the double punch test for plain concrete
Open AccessDouble punch test is used to indirectly assess the tensile strength of plain concrete, ft. For this normalized test, the tensile strength is obtained as a function of the failure load, P, which is expressed as f_t = F(P). ... -
Simulation and validation of a dynamic model for a biobot representing a human joint
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-07-06)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreementEls biobots són una eina d’experimentació que cada cop està sent més utilitzada per recrear a petita escala sistemes biològics per generar models d’estudi rellevants, com en aquest cas, el d’una articulació humana. En ... -
Sliding contact conditions using the master-slave approach with application on geometrically non-linear beams
Open AccessFrictionless sliding conditions between two bodies are usually defined using either the method of Lagrangian multipliers or by prescribing an artificial (penalty) stiffness which resists the penetration at the contact ... -
Study and design of a balance postural control system
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-06-24)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessThe ability to maintain a proper posture is becoming a more interesting topic as it is necessary to understand the behavior of the human body to be able to apply this knowledge to robotics and mechanics. In this project ... -
Study of patient-orthosis interaction forces in rehabilitation therapies
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe design of mechanical joints that kinematically behave as their biological counterparts is a challenge that if not addressed properly can cause inadequate forces transmission between robot and patient. This paper studies ... -
Using synergies in dual-arm manipulation tasks
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2015)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe paper deals with the problem of planning movements of dual-arm anthropomorphic systems, with the aim of reducing the computational cost of the problem and making the movements look as human-like as possible. The key ... -
Virtual Robot: a new teleoperation paradigm for minimally invasive robotic surgery
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper presents a novel teleoperation paradigm, the Virtual Robot (VR), focused on facilitating the surgeon tasks in minimally invasive robotic surgery. The VR has been conceived to increase the range of applicability ...