Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • A georeferenced agent-based model to analyze the climate change impacts on ski tourism at a regional scale 

      Pons Pons, Marc; Johnson, Peter A.; Rosas Casals, Martí; Jover Comas, Eric (2014-06-30)
      Open Access
      One main argument for modeling socio-ecological systems is to advance the understanding of dynamic correlations among various human and environmental factors, including impacts and responses to environmental change. We ...
    • Modeling climate change effects on winter ski tourism in Andorra 

      Pons Pons, Marc; Johnson, Peter A.; Rosas Casals, Martí; Sureda Carbonell, Bàrbara; Jover Comas, Eric (2012-10-11)
      Open Access
      Mountain regions have been identified as especially vulnerable areas to climate change. Changes in snowfall, glacier retreat and shifts in biodiversity amount and distribution are some examples of the sensitivity of mountain ...