Now showing items 1-13 of 13

    • A sensor web architecture for integrating smart oceanographic sensors into the semantic sensor web 

      Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Toma, Daniel; Martínez Padró, Enoc; O'Reilly, Thomas C.; Delory, Eric; Pearlman, Jay S; Waldmann, Christoph; Jirka, Simon (2018-10)
      Open Access
      Effective ocean and coastal data management are needed to manage marine ecosystem health. Past ocean and coastal data management systems were often very specific to a particular application and region, but this focused ...
    • A Sensor web architecture for sharing oceanographic sensor data 

      Jirka, Simon; Toma, Daniel; Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Delory, Eric (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper introduces the Sensor Web architecture of the NeXOS project as example how interoperable standards help, to facilitate the creation of an infrastructure for sharing oceanographic observation data and the ...
    • Applying OGC sensor web enablement to ocean observing systems 

      Toma, Daniel; Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Martínez Padró, Enoc; Delory, Eric; Jirka, Simon; Pearlman, Jay S; Waldmann, Christoph (2016)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The complexity of marine installations for ocean observing systems has grown significantly in recent years. In a network consisting of tens, hundreds or thousands of marine instruments, manual configuration and integration ...
    • Applying sensor web technology to marine sensor data 

      Jirka, Simon; Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Toma, Daniel; Nüst, Daniel; Stasch, Christoph; Delory, Eric (2015)
      Conference report
      Open Access
    • From sensor to user-interoperability of sensors and data systems : Sensor interoperability protocol for seamless cross-platform sensor integration 

      Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Toma, Daniel; Martínez Padró, Enoc; Jirka, Simon; O'Reilly, Thomas C. (Elsevier, 2018-09-27)
      Part of book or chapter of book
      Restricted access - author's decision
    • Interoperable data management and instrument control architecture for ocean observing systems 

      Toma, Daniel; Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Martínez Padró, Enoc; Delory, Eric; Pearlman, Jay S; Waldmann, Christoph; Jirka, Simon (2016)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The complexity of marine installations for the ocean observing systems has grown significantly in recent years. In a network consisting of tens, hundreds or thousands of marine instruments, manual configuration and ...
    • Middleware for plug and play integration of heterogeneous sensor resources into the sensor web 

      Martínez Padró, Enoc; Toma, Daniel; Jirka, Simon; Río Fernández, Joaquín del (MDPI AG, 2017-12-15)
      Open Access
      The study of global phenomena requires the combination of a considerable amount of data coming from different sources, acquired by different observation platforms and managed by institutions working in different scientific ...
    • NeXOS A1: Smart hydrophone integration into the sensor web enablement framework 

      Martínez Padró, Enoc; Toma, Daniel; Trullols Farreny, Enric; Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Pinzani, Diego; Delory, Eric; Jirka, Simon; Pearlman, Jay S (2016)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      The integration of marine sensors systems into marine observation platforms such as gliders, cabled observatories and smart buoys require a great deal of effort due to the lack of standardization and diversity of architectures ...
    • Next generation of web enabled ocean sensor systems 

      Toma, Daniel; Río Fernández, Joaquín del; O'Reilly, Thomas C.; Delory, Eric; Pearlman, Jay; Waldmann, Christoph; Jirka, Simon (SARTI, 2014)
      Open Access
    • Ocean data product integration through innovation-the next level of data interoperability 

      Buck, Justin James Henry; Bainbridge, Scott Jeffrey; Burger, Eugene Francis; Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Delory, Eric; Fischer, Philipp; Jirka, Simon; Pearlman, Jay S (2019-02-28)
      Open Access
      In the next decade the pressures on ocean systems and the communities that rely on them will increase along with impacts from the multiple stressors of climate change and human activities. Our ability to manage and sustain ...
    • Oceans of Tomorrow sensor interoperability for in-situ ocean monitoring 

      Pearlman, Jay S; Jirka, Simon; Río Fernández, Joaquín del (2016)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The Oceans of Tomorrow (OoT) projects, funded by the European Commission’s FP7 program, are developing a new generation of sensors supporting physical, biogeochemical and biological oceanographic monitoring. The sensors ...
    • Remote configuration service for marine observation platforms through Sensor Web Enablement components 

      Martínez Padró, Enoc; Toma, Daniel; Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Jirka, Simon (2017)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      In the past years important steps have been taken in order to improve both standardization and interoperability in marine acquisition systems, such as the adoption of the Open Geospatial Consortium's Sensor Web Enablement ...
    • Smart electronic interface for web enabled ocean sensor systems 

      Toma, Daniel; Río Fernández, Joaquín del; Jirka, Simon; Delory, Eric; Pearlman, Jay S (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The objective of the European FP7 project NeXOS (Next generation Low-Cost Multifunctional Web Enabled Ocean Sensor Systems Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries Management) is to develop cost-efficient innovative ...