Browsing by Subject "Image analysis"
Now showing items 1-20 of 53
3D imaging techniques for characterising microcracks in cement-based materials
Open AccessConcrete inherently contains pores and microcracks that can adversely impact its mechanical properties and long-term durability. However, characterising microcracks is difficult due to their complex, multiscale and ... -
A quaternion deterministic monogenic CNN layer for contrast invariance
(Springer, 2021)
Part of book or chapter of book
Open AccessDeep learning (DL) is attracting considerable interest as it currently achieves remarkable performance in many branches of science and technology. However, current DL cannot guarantee capabilities of the mammalian visual ... -
A trainable monogenic ConvNet layer robust in front of large contrast changes in image classification
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021-12-20)
Open AccessConvolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets) at present achieve remarkable performance in image classification tasks. However, current ConvNets cannot guarantee the capabilities of the mammalian visual systems such as invariance ... -
An approach for physiological motion compensation in robotic-assisted cardiac surgery
Open AccessThe lack of physiological motion compensation is a major problem in robotic-assisted cardiac surgery. Since the heart is beating while the surgeon carried out the procedure, dexterity of the surgeon’s and precision are ... -
An approximation of the K-function for the study of binary images
(Institut d'estadística de Catalunya, 1993)
Open AccessJensen et al. (1990) gave an exact expression for the K-function in non-overlapping Boolean models. The present study proposes and evaluates an approximate expression for the K-function in overlapping isotropic Boolean ... -
Anàlisi digital d'imatges de formes eritrocitàries anòmales
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-06)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionUn total de 300.000 nens neixen cada any al món amb una hemoglobinopatia major, inclosa l’Hemoglobinopatia S (HbS), que constitueix una de les alteracions genètiques més freqüents en determinats països. Aquesta alteració ... -
Application of geometric-morphometric, hypersdectral imaging and molecular makers to the study of depth-driven diferences in populations of decapods (crustacea)
(SARTI (Technological Development Centre of Remote Acquisition and Data processing Systems), 2010-04-26)
Open Access -
Applying deep learning for food image analysis
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-04)
Master thesis
Open AccessWith the increasing availability of data on the internet, deep learning techniques have been on the rise these past decade. Food images specifically are one of the most commonly shared types of image on social media. ... -
Autoclaved cellulose fibre reinforced cement: effects of silica fume
Restricted access - publisher's policyWith the aim of developing vegetable-fibre cement composites free of portlandite and with short curing process, this study analyses the influence of the curing conditions and the addition of pozzolanic material on the ... -
Automated image analysis for single-atom detection in catalytic materials by transmission electron microscopy
Open AccessSingle-atom catalytic sites may have existed in all supported transition metal catalysts since their first application. Yet, interest in the design of single-atom heterogeneous catalysts (SACs) only really grew when advances ... -
Automated location of active fire perimeters in aerial infrared imaging using unsupervised edge detectors
Open AccessA variety of remote sensing techniques have been applied to forest fires. However, there is at present no system capable of monitoring an active fire precisely in a totally automated manner. Spaceborne sensors show too ... -
Automatic measurements of partial cover factors and yarn diameters in fabrics using image processing
Restricted access - publisher's policy -
Building graph representations of deep vector embeddings
(Association for Computational Linguistics, 2017)
Conference lecture
Open AccessPatterns stored within pre-trained deep neural networks compose large and powerful descriptive languages that can be used for many different purposes. Typically, deep network representations are implemented within vector ... -
Cabled video-observatory monitoring of seasonal rhythms in a Mediterranean coastal fish community
Research report
Open AccessThe obtention of time series in the structure and biodiversity of marine populations is of great interest in spite of increasing anthropic perturbations of direct type (e.g. fishing or littering) or of more indirect nature ... -
Caracterització de la hidrodinàmica litoral amb dades de vídeo d'UAV
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-10-24)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessThis work aims to explore the potential of UAV-captured videos for the characterization of shoreline dynamics at time scales of seconds to minutes. A 2 min video recorded by a UAV at Playa de la Victoria in Cádiz, on a day ... -
Color based image classification and description
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-10-20)
Master thesis
Open Access -
Colour calibration for quantitative biological analysis: A novel automated multivariate approach.
(SARTI (Technological Development Centre of Remote Acquisition and Data processing Systems), 2010-04-13)
Open AccessThis work proposed a novel approach to practical use of digital photography for biological purposes. -
Cultural event recognition with visual ConvNets and temporal models
Conference lecture
Open AccessThis paper presents our contribution to the ChaLearn Challenge 2015 on Cultural Event Classification. The challenge in this task is to automatically classify images from 50 different cultural events. Our solution is based ... -
Deep convolutional neural network architecture for effective Image analysis
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017)
Master thesis
Open Access
Covenantee: Kungliga Tekniska högskolanThis master thesis presents the process of designing and implementing a CNN-based architecture for image recognition included in a larger project in the field of fashion recommendation with deep learning. Concretely, the ... -
Diseño de un nuevo prototipo de medida de granulometría por análisis de imagen
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2013-06)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessLas medidas de granulometría son un medio eficaz para controlar el buen funcionamiento del proceso de fabricación de los azúcares. Sin embargo, las técnicas de granulometría actuales, como la del tamizado, se aplican bien ...