Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Analisys and energy saving measures of kastvallen ice hockey rink arena 

      Igual Bueno, Mario; Bielsa Azcona, José Enrique (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya / Högskolan I Gävle, 2011)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Restricted access - author's decision
      Nowadays efficiency measures are more and more important because the price of the energy is increasing every year. Moreover, saving energy it is also important for decrease the environmental impact. Kastvallen is a ...
    • Dynamic simulation of Swedish residential building renovations and its impact on the district heating network 

      Pinzón Muñoz, Nicolás (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-03-15)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      Covenantee:   KTH School of Industrial Engineering and Management
      As urbanization continues to rise, cities now account for two-thirds of the world's total energy consumption. The built environment alone contributes to 40\% of total energy consumption and a third of total greenhouse gas ...
    • Estudi de viabilitat i d'implementació d'un district heating 

      Carbonell Roqué, Gerard (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-01-10)
      Bachelor thesis
      Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
    • Optimal control of domestic hot water systems to support district heating efficiency 

      Tahiri Anajjar, Abdelkarim (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-07-29)
      Master thesis
      Restricted access - author's decision
      Covenantee:   Danmarks tekniske universitet / Danfoss
      The conventional control strategy of charging typical DHW storage tanks with a circulation loop operated by DH systems is often not optimal, resulting in tank over-heating when satisfying thermal comfort and hygiene ...
    • Sustainable deployment of energy efficient district heating: city business model 

      Pardo Bosch, Francesc; Blanco Álvarez, Ana; Mendoza, Nora; Libreros, Bibiana; Tejedor Herrán, Blanca; Pujadas Álvarez, Pablo (Elsevier, 2023-10-01)
      Open Access
      Heating and cooling account for 50% of the European Union's energy consumption and, therefore, reducing its impact is essential to minimise dependency on energy imports (particularly fossil fuel), which are bound to ...