Now showing items 1-16 of 16

    • 3D fracture behaviour of graphite specimens weakened by V- notches with end holes under mixed mode (I+II) loading 

      Salavati, Hadi; Mohammadi, Hossein; Alizadeh, Yoness O.; Ayatollahi, Majid R. (Elsevier, 2019-10)
      Open Access
      In the present contribution, the static strength of isostatic graphite using V-notched specimens with end holes under mixed mode loading is investigated considering 3D simulation. An experimental program was performed and ...
    • Anti-graffiti coating tests 

      Riviere Lemmel, Juan (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-10-09)
      Master thesis
      Restricted access - author's decision
      Covenantee:   Cranfield University
      Removing unsightly graffiti is costly and estimated to exceed 200 million per year in the UK alone. Moreover, it is also clear that graffiti commonly found in schools and shops, flats and on public transport signifies ...
    • Caracterización de la fricción cuando se combinan el texturado laser y lubricantes de grafito base agua 

      Martinez Krahmer, Daniel; Sánchez Egea, Antonio José; Martynenko, Vitali (2022-09-30)
      Research report
      Open Access
      El presente trabajo se originó ante la posibilidad de aplicar la biomimética, en especial una réplica de los huecos semiesféricos con patrón hexagonal que presenta el bicho torito en la superficie exterior de su caparazón, ...
    • Concentración de una mena de grafito mediante separación electrostática 

      Fernández Gutiérrez, Luis Antonio (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-06)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      Existe una amplia gama de aplicaciones del grafito a nivel industrial, lo cual es una razón importante para estudiar la separación electrostática como método de concentración del grafito a partir de menas venezolanas, para ...
    • Electromechanical testing of smart lime mortars for structural health monitoring 

      Drougkas, Anastasios; Sarhosis, Vasilis; Basheer, Muhammed; D'Alessandro, Antonella; Ubertini, Filippo (2022)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Masonry structures are characterised by low tensile strength and limited ductility. Excessive static or high-cyclic loading or seismic excitation can lead to large localised strains and cracking. It is therefore essential ...
    • Estudio experimental sobre la incidencia del grafito en un hormigón compactado con rodillo elaborado en el distrito metropolitano de Quito de la República del Ecuador 

      Cedeño Sarango, Alexy Paúl (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-06-20)
      Master thesis
      Restricted access - author's decision
      Hoy en día el desarrollo tecnológico en el sector de la construcción y específicamente en el área de los materiales ha evolucionado de manera enorme debido a los nuevos requerimientos constructivos que existen en la ...
    • He-3 on preplated graphite 

      Gordillo Bargueño, Maria Carmen; Boronat Medico, Jordi (American Physical Society, 2016-10-18)
      Open Access
      By using the diffusion Monte Carlo method, we obtained the full phase diagram of He3 on top of graphite preplated with a solid layer of He4. All the He4 atoms of the substrate were explicitly considered and allowed to move ...
    • Increasing reaction time in Hummers’ method towards well exfoliated graphene oxide of low oxidation degree 

      Aixart Forés, Jordi; Diaz González, Francesc; Llorca Piqué, Jordi; Rosell Llompart, Joan (2021-08-01)
      Open Access
      Graphene oxide (GO) has been synthesized by a modification of the Hummers’ method using different times of reaction of 30, 60, 120, 300 and 540 min while maintaining all other parameters constant and avoiding aggressive ...
    • Inorganic nanoparticles as a gelling agent for graphene-based multifunctional composite aerogels 

      Souvay, Manon (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-02-20)
      Master thesis
      Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
    • Liquid and solid phases of He-3 on graphite 

      Gordillo Bargueño, Maria Carmen; Boronat Medico, Jordi (2016-04-04)
      Open Access
      Recent heat-capacity experiments show quite unambiguously the existence of a liquid He-3 phase adsorbed on graphite. This liquid is stable at an extremely low density, possibly one of the lowest found in nature. Previous ...
    • Millora de les característiques mecàniques de l'alumini i/o els seus aliatges, reforçats amb fibres de carboni 

      Rodríguez Mas, Eduardo (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010-07-07)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Restricted access - author's decision
      Covenantee:   Centre de Disseny d’Aliatges Lleugers i Tractaments de Superfícies
      Els aliatges d'alumini tenen una gran diversitat d'aplicacions industrials a causa de la seva baixa densitat i la seva fàcil mal·leabilitat, però l'ús d'aquests aliatges és limitat a causa de la seva baixa resistència. ...
    • Power electronics high performance air-cooled heat sinks integrating graphite based materials 

      Oliet Casasayas, Carles; Mullen, David; Hoell, Klaus; Cochrane, Nathan; Preishuber-Pfluegl, Florian; Rigola Serrano, Joaquim; Bouton, Mathieu; Pontrucher, Marc; Castrillo Green, Pablo; Santos Serrano, Daniel; Schillaci, Eugenio; McKay, Connor; Halimic, Elvedin; Freismuth, Juergen (Purdue University, 2021)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The thermal management of the power electronics cooling in the aircraft is getting more attention in the recent years due to the progressive implementation of electrical systems, especially in the framework of the more ...
    • Structural and mechanical characterization of graphite foam/phase change material composites 

      Canseco, Vladimir; Anguy, Yannick; Roa Rovira, Joan Josep; Palomo, Elena (2014-03-24)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      We consider graphite/phase change material (PCM) composites for energy storage by latent heat in the context of power generation by solar concentration technologies. Based on X-ray computerized tomography 3D data, we ...
    • Superfluid and supersolid phases of He-4 on the second layer of graphite 

      Gordillo Bargueño, Maria Carmen; Boronat Medico, Jordi (American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2020-05-22)
      Open Access
      We revisited the phase diagram of the second layer of 4He on top of graphite using quantum Monte Carlo methods. Our aim was to explore the existence of the novel phases suggested recently in experimental works, and determine ...
    • Supersolidity in quantum films adsorbed on graphene and graphite 

      Gordillo Bargueño, Maria Carmen; Cazorla, C.; Boronat Medico, Jordi (2011-03-17)
      Open Access
      Using quantum Monte Carlo we have studied the superfluid density of the first layer of 4He and H2 adsorbed on graphene and graphite. Our main focus has been on the equilibrium ground state of the system, which corresponds ...
    • Supersolidity in the second layer of para-H2 adsorbed on graphite 

      Gordillo Bargueño, Maria Carmen; Boronat Medico, Jordi (American Physical Society (APS), 2022-03-03)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      We calculated the phase diagram of the second layer of para-H2 adsorbed on graphite using quantum Monte Carlo methods. The second layer shows an incommensurate triangular crystal structure. By using a symmetric wave function, ...