Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Performance analysis and predictability of the software layer in Dynamic Binary Translators/Optimizers 

      Brankovic, Aleksandar; Stavrou, K.; Gibert Codina, Enric; Gonzalez, Antonio (ACM, 2013)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Dynamic Binary Translators and Optimizers (DBTOs) have been established as a common architecture during the last years. They are used in many different systems, such as emulation, instrumentation tools and innovative HW/SW ...
    • Scalability of Broadcast Performance in Wireless Network-on-Chip 

      Abadal Cavallé, Sergi; Mestres Sugrañes, Albert; Nemirovsky, Mario; Lee, Heekwan; Gonzalez, Antonio; Alarcón Cot, Eduardo José; Cabellos Aparicio, Alberto (IEEE, 2016-12-01)
      Open Access
      Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) are currently the paradigm of choice to interconnect the cores of a chip multiprocessor. However, conventional NoCs may not suffice to fulfill the on-chip communication requirements of processors ...