Browsing by Subject "Geometrical optics"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Aportación a la óptica de Robert Hooke
(PUNTEX, 1988-03)
Open AccessLa figura de Robert Hooke se nos ofrece como la personificación del espíritu de investigación y la fidelidad al método científico experimental del siglo XVII. Vinculado a los más sobresalientes hombres de ciencia ingleses ... -
Asociación de dioptrios - formación de la imagen
Open Access -
Asociación dioptrios - trazado de rayos
Open Access -
Derivation of the propagation equations for higher order aberrations of local wavefronts
Open Access -
Dioptrio Esférico Negativo - Formación de la imagen
Open Access -
Dioptrio esférico negativo - rayos auxiliares
Open Access -
Dioptrio Esférico Negativo - Rayos elementales
Open Access -
Dioptrio Esférico Positivo - Determinación trayectoria de un rayo
Open Access -
Dioptrio Esférico Positivo - Errores comunes
Open Access -
Dioptrio Esférico Positivo - Formación de la imagen (objeto real)
Open Access -
Dioptrio Esférico Positivo - Formación de la imagen (objeto virtual)
Open Access -
Dioptrio Esférico Positivo - Rayos auxiliares
Open Access -
Dioptrio Esférico Positivo - Rayos elementales
Open Access -
Experiment design for through-focus testing of intraocular lenses
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policy -
Fusing Landsat and SAR data for mapping tropical deforestation through machine learning classification and the PVts-ß non-seasonal detection approach
Open AccessThis article focuses on mapping tropical deforestation using time series and machine learning algorithms. Before detecting changes in the time series, we reduced seasonality using Photosynthetic Vegetation (PV) index ... -
Graphical ray tracing through imaging optical systems for optometrists
(ITMO University (University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics), 2008)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn the approach of geometrical optics, ray tracing is an illustrative tool to determine the light path through an optical system. We show different educational resources used to help students to develop their skills ... -
Image formation with lenses, pinholes and slits in an optical box
(Hands-on Science Network, 2023)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyImages formed by systems with small apertures, such as pinholes and slits, have very weak illumination. It is advisable an object with a high luminance and with considerable size to see these images. Besides, the device ... -
Negative Goos-Hanchen shift in periodic media
Restricted access - publisher's policyWe show that, under certain conditions, a negative Goos–Hänchen shift—a longitudinal displacement of a totally internally reflected wave packet—occurs in periodic media such as waveguide arrays.