Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Absolute order-of-magnitude reasoning applied to a social multi-criteria evaluation framework 

      Afsordegan, Arayeh; Sánchez Soler, Monica; Agell Jané, Núria; Aguado Chao, Juan Carlos; Gamboa Jimenez, Gonzalo (2016-01)
      Open Access
      A social multi-criteria evaluation framework for solving a real-case problem of selecting a wind farm location in the regions of Urgell and Conca de Barberá in Catalonia (northeast of Spain) is studied. This paper applies ...
    • On additive MDS codes over small fields 

      Ball, Simeon Michael; Gamboa Jimenez, Gonzalo; Lavrauw, Michel (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2022)
      Open Access
      Let $ C $ be a $ (n,q^{2k},n-k+1)_{q^2} $ additive MDS code which is linear over $ {\mathbb F}_q $. We prove that if $ n \geq q+k $ and $ k+1 $ of the projections of $ C $ are linear over $ {\mathbb F}_{q^2} $ then $ C $ ...
    • Softwarized LTE self-backhauling solution and its evaluation 

      Gamboa Jimenez, Gonzalo; Demirkol, Ilker Seyfettin (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2018)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Long Term Evolution (LTE) is projected to be the mostly used mobile technology before 2020, thanks to the high data rates, all IP-based and simplified architecture it brings compared to previous mobile network technologies. ...
    • Using linguistic descriptions with multi-criteria decision aid approaches in urban energy systems 

      Afsordegan, Arayeh; Sánchez Soler, Monica; Agell Jané, Núria; Gamboa Jimenez, Gonzalo; Cremades Oliver, Lázaro Vicente (2015-02)
      Open Access
      Multi-Criteria Decision Aid (MCDA) methods include various collections of mathematical techniques related to decision support systems in non-deterministic environments to support such applications as facility management, ...