Browsing by Author "Fischer, Andreas"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
A distributed, parallel, and generic virtual network embedding framework
Beck, Michael Till; Fischer, Andreas; de Meer, Hermann; Botero Vega, Juan Felipe; Hesselbach Serra, Xavier (2013)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyOne of the main challenges of network virtualization is the mapping of virtual network demands to physical network resources, commonly known as the virtual network embedding (VNE) problem. This paper introduces DPVNE, a ... -
A viewpoint of the network management paradigm for future Internet networks
Rubio Loyola, Javier; Serrat Fernández, Juan; Astorga Rivera, José Antonio; Fischer, Andreas; Berl, Andreas; de Meer, Hermann; Koumoutsos, Giannis (2009)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper presents a viewpoint of the management for the Future Internet. For this description we consider the architectural model developed by the EU IST Autonomic Internet – AUTOI – consortium for the management ... -
ALEVIN - A framework to develop, compare, and analyze virtual network embedding algorithms
Fischer, Andreas; Botero Vega, Juan Felipe; Duelli, Michael; Schlosser, Daniel; Hesselbach Serra, Xavier; de Meer, Hermann (2011)
Conference report
Open AccessNetwork virtualization is recognized as an enabling technology for the Future Internet. Applying virtualization of network resources leads to the problem of mapping virtual resources to physical resources, known as “Virtual ... -
Management Architecture and Systems for Future
Pujolle, Guy; Macedo, Daniel; Srassner, J. S.; Berl, Andreas; Galis, A.; Denazis, S.; Serrat Fernández, Juan; Rubio Loyola, Javier; Giacomin, P.; Bassi, Alessandro; de Meer, Hermann; Fischer, Andreas (2009-05-01)
Part of book or chapter of book
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper presents a new autonomic management architectural model consisting of a number of distributed management systems running within the network, which are described with the help of five abstractions and ... -
Optimal mapping of virtual networks with hidden hops
Botero Vega, Juan Felipe; Hesselbach Serra, Xavier; Fischer, Andreas; de Meer, Hermann (2012-12-01)
Open AccessNetwork virtualization has emerged as a solution for the Internet inability to address the required challenges caused by the lack of coordination among Internet service providers for the deployment of new services. The ... -
Scalable service deployment on software-defined networks
Rubio Loyola, Javier; Galis, A.; Astorga Rivera, José Antonio; Serrat Fernández, Juan; Lefevre, L.; Fischer, Andreas; Paler, A.; de Meer, Hermann (2011-12-01)
Restricted access - publisher's policyIt is widely accepted that the network of the future will require a greater degree of service awareness and optimal use of network resources. This article presents an architectural design for an open software-defined network ... -
Virtual network embedding: a survey
Fischer, Andreas; Botero Vega, Juan Felipe; Beck, Michael Till; de Meer, Hermann; Hesselbach Serra, Xavier (IEEE Computer Society Publications, 2013-10)
Restricted access - publisher's policyNetwork virtualization is recognized as an enabling technology for the future Internet. It aims to overcome the resistance of the current Internet to architectural change. Application of this technology relies on algorithms ...