Now showing items 1-20 of 207

    • A communication: assisted protection for MVDC distribution systems with distributed generation 

      Monadi, Mehdi; Gavriluta, Catalin; Candela García, José Ignacio; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro (2015)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      In this paper, a communication-assisted protection scheme is proposed for medium voltage dc (MVDC) distribution networks. MVDC grids are applicable for connection between microgrids, upgrading the transmission capacity of ...
    • A data acquisition pipeline for home energy management systems 

      Munné Collado, Íngrid; Montesinos Miracle, Daniel; Villafafila Robles, Roberto; Bové Salat, Adrià (2020)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper presents a modular data acquisition pipeline to integrate exible assets and distributed and renewable energy sources in households. This modular and general system's main aim is to enhance the data acquisition, ...
    • A distributed power sharing framework among households in microgrids: a repeated game approach 

      Alskaif, Tarek; Guerrero Zapata, Manel; Bellalta Jiménez, Boris; Nilsson, Anders (2017-01-01)
      Open Access
      In microgrids, the integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) in the residential sector can improve power reliability, and potentially reduce power demands and carbon emissions. Improving the utilization of renewable ...
    • A flexible experimental laboratory for distributed generation networks based on power inverters 

      Miret Tomàs, Jaume; García de Vicuña Muñoz de la Nava, José Luis; Guzmán Solà, Ramon; Camacho Santiago, Antonio; Moradi Ghahderijani, Mohammad (2017-10-13)
      Open Access
      In the recently deregulated electricity market, distributed generation based on renewable sources is becoming more and more relevant. In this area, two main distributed scenarios are focusing the attention of recent research: ...
    • A general MILP model for the sizing of islanded/grid-connected microgrids 

      Alabert Aldana, Aniol; Somoza Tornos, Ana; Hoz Casas, Jordi de la; Graells Sobré, Moisès (2016)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Recently, energy systems have experienced a change of paradigm, from a large-scale centr alized approach to the in-situ exploitation of renewabl e sources. Special atte ntion has been paid to microgrids, a particular case ...
    • A generalized voltage droop strategy for control of multiterminal DC grids 

      Rouzbehi, Kumars; Miranian, Arash; Candela García, José Ignacio; Luna Alloza, Álvaro; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro (2015-02)
      Open Access
      This paper proposes a generalized voltage droop (GVD) control strategy for dc voltage control and power sharing in voltage source converter (VSC)-based multiterminal dc (MTDC) grids. The proposed GVD control is implemented ...
    • A hybrid power flow controller for flexible operation of multi-terminal DC grids 

      Rouzbehi, Kumars; Miranian, Arash; Candela García, José Ignacio; Luna Alloza, Álvaro; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper develops a hybrid power flow controller (HPFC) to take one step forward for building future flexible DC transmission system (FDCTS). The idea for proposing HPFC is inspired by the successful operation of flexible ...
    • A Monte Carlo approach for distribution reliability assessment considering time varying load and system reconfiguration 

      Martínez Magaña, Juan; Guerra Sánchez, Luis Gerardo (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper presents the basic features of a sequential analytical Monte Carlo approach for reliability evaluation of distribution systems. The document includes a description of the procedure, implemented in an open ...
    • A novel algorithm based on the combination of AC-OPF and GA for the optimal sizing and location of DERs into distribution networks 

      García Muñoz, Fernando Esteban; Díaz González, Francisco; Corchero García, Cristina (Elsevier, 2021-09)
      Open Access
      This article proposes an algorithm to obtain an optimal local solution for the network planning process related to the optimal integration of different renewable energy sources (RES) and different BatteryEnergy Storage ...
    • A novel hybrid home energy management system considering electricity cost and greenhouse gas emissions minimization 

      Barja Martínez, Sara; Rücker, Fabian; Aragüés Peñalba, Mònica; Villafafila Robles, Roberto; Munné Collado, Íngrid; Lloret Gallego, Pau (2021-06-28)
      Open Access
      This paper proposes a multi-objective hybrid energy management system that minimizes both the electricity expenses and the household greenhouse gas emissions released due to consumption, considering the entire life cycle ...
    • A protection strategy for fault detection and location for multi-terminal MVDC distribution systems with renewable energy systems 

      Monadi, Mehdi; Koch-Ciobotaru, Cosmin; Luna Alloza, Álvaro; Candela García, José Ignacio; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      A fault location method and a fault clearance strategy are presented in this paper for medium voltage dc (MVDC) distribution system. MVDC systems are applicable for connection between microgrids (MGs) and integration of ...
    • A stationary reference frame grid synchronization system for three-phase grid-connected power converters under adverse grid conditions 

      Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro; Luna Alloza, Álvaro; Muñoz Aguilar, Raúl Santiago; Etxebarría, Ion; Teodorescu, Remus; Blaabjerg, Frede (2012-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Grid synchronization algorithms are of great importance in the control of grid-connected power converters, as fast and accurate detection of the grid voltage parameters is crucial in order to implement stable control ...
    • A unified power flow controller using a power electronics integrated transformer 

      Atef Elsaharty, Mohammed; Luna Alloza, Álvaro; Candela García, José Ignacio; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2019-02-05)
      Open Access
      This paper presents a Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) application of the Custom Power Active Transformer (CPAT); a power electronics integrated transformer which provides services to the grid through ...
    • Active and reactive power strategies with peak current limitation for distributed generation inverters during unbalanced grid faults 

      Camacho Santiago, Antonio; Castilla Fernández, Miguel; Miret Tomàs, Jaume; Borrell Sanz, Angel; García de Vicuña Muñoz de la Nava, José Luis (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2015-03-01)
      Open Access
      Distributed generation inverters have become a key element to improve grid efficiency and reliability, particularly during grid faults. Under these severe perturbations, inverter-based power sources should accomplish ...
    • Adaptació a la xarxa intel·ligent d'una empresa de distribució elèctrica 

      Jutglar Rovira, Guillem (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-03)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Restricted access - author's decision
      El sistema elèctric, un sector que destaca pels pocs canvis soferts des dels seus inicis, està en l’actualitat vivint una autèntica revolució tecnològica però també ideològica amb la transformació de les xarxes elèctriques ...
    • Adaptive droop for control of multiterminal DC bus integrating energy storage 

      Gavriluta, Catalin; Candela García, José Ignacio; Rocabert Delgado, Joan; Luna Alloza, Álvaro; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro (2015-02-01)
      Open Access
      Multiterminal dc (MTDC) systems are drawing a lot of interest lately in applications related to distributed generation, especially in those that integrate wind or photovoltaic (PV) generation with energy storage (ES). ...
    • Adaptive sliding-mode control for a multiple-user inductive power transfer system without need for communication 

      Van Der Pijl, Frank F. A; Castilla Fernández, Miguel; Bauer, Pavol T. (IEEE Press. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012-09-06)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      A complicating aspect in the control design of resonant inductive power transfer systems is the absence of a direct communication link between primary and (multiple) secondary system sides. This paper introduces a new ...
    • Advanced control of a high power converter connected to a weak grid 

      Shahparasti, Mahdi; Catalán, Pedro; Candela García, José Ignacio; Luna Alloza, Álvaro; Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro (2016)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This paper addresses the stability problems of a high power converter connected to a weak grid. The wide range values that grid impedance can take, challenges the stability and the performance of the controllers, which are ...
    • Aggregated economic analysis of the brazilian electricity distribution companies using a regulated market economic model 

      Cortez, Carolina; Bonatto, Benedito Donizeti; Arango, Héctor; Castilla Fernández, Miguel (Springer, 2020-03-29)
      Open Access
      While most of the research work in the field of electrical engineering was aroused by the scientific challenges to be overcome, it is fair to recognize that the practical importance of engineering hinges on its economic ...
    • Aggregating energy flexibilities under constraints 

      Valsomatzis, Emmanouil; Bach Pedersen, Torben; Abelló Gamazo, Alberto; Hose, Katja (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2016)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The flexibility of individual energy prosumers (producers and/or consumers) has drawn a lot of attention in recent years. Aggregation of such flexibilities provides prosumers with the opportunity to directly participate ...